Hear The Sweet Nothings Whispered In Your Ear

Hear The Sweet Nothings Whispered In Your Ear

It takes an average of seven years from the time people become aware of hearing issues to taking a hearing test and establishing a treatment plan. Unfortunately, this 7 year gap places the burden on family and friends, which can negatively impact relationships.

Living with hearing loss makes it challenging to effortlessly stay engaged. Conversations become limited as one is straining to hear, attempting to make sense of it and looking for context clues, plus repeatedly asking for clarification takes a toll.

Marriages and romantic partnerships are often most affected. Communication is an essential aspect of expressing, revitalizing and deepening intimacy. Even seemingly trivial conversations are critical in preserving our connection and maintaining a sense of happiness in relationships. With hearing loss, conversations tend to be reduced to only the most crucial topics. This can lead to a sense of loneliness for both partners, which can also result in frustration and resentment.

Some may believe that they can endure hearing loss and just “ride out the storm.” Or may think, “My hearing isn’t that bad,” or “I’ll get hearing aids when it gets worse.”

Mild hearing loss makes it extremely challenging to listen when there is background noise. Those with mild hearing loss are more likely to experience memory issues compared to those with no hearing issues or those using hearing aids. This may be because the brain is so focused on trying to comprehend what is being said that it lacks the capacity to fully understand and retain the information, leading to poor memory recall.

Creating memories involves a complex process where information and new events are linked to previous memories and are interwoven. We remember things because of the impact they had on us at the time. Ultimately, the things we recall have in some way shaped us, whether significant or not. When the brain is occupied with trying to understand sounds it cannot hear clearly, it becomes more difficult to live in the moment and preserve memories.

Why the focus on memories? Because memories are the foundation of our relationships. The two major issues that come with mild hearing loss – social exhaustion and memory issues – ultimately affect our relationships.

When we get tired faster, we spend less time with loved ones. If we cannot hear what is going on during gatherings, we will likely be less engaged in the conversation. If we cannot recall much of what we hear, we will not be able to take the experience with us and our relationships will be affected.

Wearing hearing aids can effectively prevent these relationship problems. By enabling clear hearing and understanding of speech, hearing aids help you maintain important relationships. Spending time with friends, family, or alone with a spouse or partner can be filled with happiness and closeness, and you’ll continue to create memories for years to come.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Advancements In Hearing Aid Technology

Advancements In Hearing Aid Technology

While hearing aids have been around for decades, recent advances in technology have led to the development of improved sound quality and customization options.

One major advancement in hearing aid technology is the use of materials, such as graphene and ceramic. Graphene, a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon, is known for its exceptional strength and conductivity. In hearing aids, it can be used to improve the device’s durability and ability to transmit sound waves. Ceramic, on the other hand, is a brittle but strong material that is able to withstand high temperatures. It can be used in hearing aids to create a more stable and efficient platform for sound processing.

In addition to these materials, hearing aids are now also equipped with a range of advanced features. Many modern hearing aids are now Bluetooth-enabled, allowing them to connect to a user’s smartphone or other devices and stream audio directly to the device. This can be particularly useful for individuals who want to listen to music or make phone calls without the need for additional headphones. Some hearing aids also have artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, allowing them to adapt to a user’s environment and adjust the volume and frequency of sound accordingly.

The benefits of these new technologies are numerous. The use of graphene and ceramic can improve the overall performance of hearing aids, resulting in clearer and more accurate sound reproduction. Bluetooth connectivity and AI features can also make the devices more convenient and easier to use, as users can adjust settings and control the devices through their smartphones or other devices.

Looking to the future, it is likely that hearing aid technology will continue to evolve and incorporate even more advanced features. For example, there is potential for the integration of virtual and augmented reality into hearing aids, allowing users to experience immersive and personalized sound environments.

The latest developments in hearing aid technology continues to improve the effectiveness and accessibility of these devices. With the use of new materials and advanced features, individuals with hearing loss can enjoy better sound quality and more convenient and personalized listening experiences.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Celebrating the Holidays With Hearing Loss

Celebrating the Holidays With Hearing Loss

Although December is a wonderful month to spend time with loved ones, people who are hard of hearing may have some uneasiness due to the increased noise levels associated with visits, parties, and celebrations.

Here are some tips for those who are hard of hearing or who will be hosting family members who have hearing impairments during the holidays.

Comprehending the Hearing Loss Experience

Many people across the US have some degree of hearing loss at some point in their lives. Hearing-impaired individuals may have trouble following conversations, especially in loud settings. As a result of experiencing these symptoms, many who are hard of hearing resort to the following inefficient methods of expression:

  • Constantly asking the speaker to repeat themselves or to speak more loudly and slowly
  • Making an effort to decipher what was said by reading the speaker’s lips after a misunderstanding
  • Putting up an act as if they can hear and understand what is being said

These schemes may get in the way of being able to communicate effectively. Therefore, they may feel like they are expending too much effort whenever they attempt to carry on a conversation.

Misunderstanding or just partially catching on to what is being said are common results, which can leave participants in the conversations confused or unable to engage. As a result, there are a number of ways in which strained communication may affect relationships:

  • There is a dramatic decline in both the quality and duration of conversations
  • Conflict develops when individuals feel their needs and concerns are being dismissed.
  • Favorite pastimes lose some of their luster.
  • Subtleties like inside jokes, intimacy, and informal small conversation are stifled by language barriers.

In the spirit of the Christmas season, when families and friends get together, here are some suggestions for making everyone feel welcome and at home.

In case you are planning a holiday gathering for someone who has trouble hearing…

The position of a host is a challenging one. Taking care of a large group of people, and making sure they are all having a nice time requires a lot of effort. If you have someone with hearing loss coming over:

Find out whether any special accommodations are required.

 Inquiring about conveniences that can help ease your guests’ interactions at a dinner party never hurts.

Reduce the volume.

Those with hearing impairments may have difficulty understanding what others are saying if they are subjected to loud music while eating or having a conversation. Make an attempt to keep the noise level down. Another tip is to point the speakers out of the room so that the music does not blast directly into the areas where your guests are socializing.

Make additional private spaces for talking.

If you are hosting a big gathering at your place, create spaces where people can engage in more intimate interactions. Conversations in smaller groups may be easier for those who are hard of hearing if they take place in a less noisy setting.

Try to have more one-on-one conversations.

You are well aware of the challenges associated with maintaining conversational clarity in noisy environments with many potential speakers. Even with hearing aids, background noise might make it difficult to follow a conversation with many participants. Instead, choose a quieter spot to have private chats. If you want to have a more productive conversation, choose a place in the house where you can face a wall and reduce or eliminate any outside noise.

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Hearing Loss Issues in Children

Hearing Loss Issues in Children

The majority of patients we see at Southern Nevada Audiology are primarily adults. However, we promote awareness of signs of hearing loss at any age. Hearing loss is not only limited to the elderly but can develop at any stage of life.  For the development and growth of a child, treatment for hearing loss is crucial at an early stage.

The Rate of Childhood Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects one to three per thousand children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The question then becomes, “What exactly triggers this hearing loss in children?

Many different factors contribute to hearing loss in children. Congenital hearing impairment affects a small percentage of newborns. Congenital hearing loss may be genetic, prenatal infections or can result from hazardous substances during pregnancy. When it comes to children, hearing loss often results from an ear infection.

The Consequences of Ignoring Childhood Hearing Loss

A child’s life is significantly altered by permanent hearing loss. A child’s first few years of life are key to their development. An important part of growing up is being able to hear sounds. Hearing loss may be detrimental to language learning because it hinders the development of listening and talking skills, both of which are vital to acquiring language.

When a child struggles with language and verbal abilities, it may have a ripple effect on the their emotional, social, and intellectual development. Delays in development affect even children with modest hearing loss or single-sided hearing loss. Their poor listening skills cause them to fall behind the rest of their class.

Deafness and other Hearing Problems Caused by Ear Infections

Ear irritation accompanied by a potentially fatal accumulation of fluid is known medically as Otitis Media. Ear infections are common in children because their Eustachian tubes, which carry sound from the ear to the back of the nose, are still growing and are relatively narrow.

Most children are unable to control or drain fluid when they have a cold or runny nose. Fluid accumulation caused by this obstruction might trigger inflammation. Seventy-five percent of children will have had Otitis Media at least once by the time they turn three, according to recent studies.

Hearing loss is a variable symptom for many of these kids because of the illness. In mild cases, the fluid is thin and translucent and is not often associated with hearing loss. On the other hand, lifelong hearing loss is a real possibility if the fluid is dark in color.

There are a handful of telltale indicators of fluid in the ear that you can check for if you believe your kid has an ear infection, even if your child is not experiencing any pain. Your child may get irritated, resulting in ear-pulling or ear-pinch behavior. It is possible that they are experiencing hearing loss, as shown by behaviors like failing to answer when called for, being unusually jumpy or distracted, or misinterpreting what was said.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Importance of Addressing Hearing Loss

Importance of Addressing Hearing Loss

Despite the fact that approximately 48 million Americans have some form of hearing loss, few tend to address the issue in a timely manner.  Seven years pass on average between the first sign of hearing loss and the time taken to schedule a hearing exam. This is quite unfortunate because the benefits of addressing hearing loss signs when it first presents itself far outweighs the conditions of living with untreated hearing loss. Conditions such as depression, social alienation, self-induced bodily harm, memory problems, and even an elevated risk of cognitive decline and dementia are all possible effects of even minor hearing loss because of the changes in lifestyle and physiology that it instills.

Receiving treatment for hearing loss as soon as it presents itself not only reduces the likelihood of complications, but also eases the process of adjusting to living with the impairment. Those who put off dealing with their hearing loss until it is “very severe” often find that they have made irreversible changes to their daily routines and relationships with others. Life can continue on normally if hearing loss is addressed as soon as it is noticed.

Someone Else Informs Us About Our Hearing Impairment

To some, it may sound unusual, but our significant others, close relatives, or trusted friends are often the ones that first bring our hearing loss to our attention. Hearing loss is typically not seen as a distortion of sound so much as an absence of the sound.  In most cases, it takes the help of another person to help us identify noises that we are missing because we just cannot hear them ourselves.


An environment with a lot of background noise, such as a party, is often the first place we detect a hearing impairment. When our hearing is impaired, it becomes more difficult to distinguish between speech and background noise, making it mentally taxing to keep up with a discussion. Many with hearing loss for the first time may mistake their early social weariness for a result of their advanced age, saying things like, “I just can’t stay out as late as I used to.” In reality, with the help of modern hearing aid technology, we can rejoice in social gatherings just as much as before.

The Phone Is Excessively Quiet

Sometimes, even those with normal hearing will have problems hearing a call, but if this is a recurring issue for us, even in a quiet environment, it may be a clue that we have hearing loss. Similarly, if we find ourselves cranking up the level on the radio or television all the time, or if others complain that the volume is too high, it may be time to get our hearing checked.

Are They Mumbling?

It is easy to assume that people are speaking too softly or with their lips closed if we are having trouble hearing them. It is possible that consonant sounds will not be present or may be difficult to make out. The need to repeatedly remind others to “speak up” is a sign of possible hearing loss.

Hearing Tests Reveal Whether We Suffer from Deafness.

The best solution is also the most obvious one. If we want an objective answer to the question of whether or not we have hearing loss, and if so, to what degree, we need to undergo a professional hearing evaluation. It is also worth noting that while internet hearing tests might serve as a general guide, they are often quite unreliable.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Itchy Ears - Causes & Treatments

Itchy Ears - Causes & Treatments


What Can I Do If My Ears Are Itchy?

Occasional ear itching is a frequent problem. The impulse to scratch one’s ears is strong since these areas are so sensitive and vulnerable to infection. In most cases, this is not a problem. However, ear itching can occasionally lead to more serious issues, including permanent damage to the ear canal.

Why Do My Ears Itch?

There are a variety of potential causes for ear itching. Itchy ears can be caused by anything that irritates the skin in that area, such as an insect bite or a fungal infection. When dealing with irritation, it is always best to consult a professional who can help narrow down the possible causes and provide a treatment plan.

Psoriasis, for instance, is a frequent reason for ear irritation. Psoriasis is characterized by the buildup of extra skin cells in the skin’s outermost layers, and it is caused by an autoimmune reaction. It’s very uncommon for the ear to experience scaling and itching when the accumulation of dead skin cells exceeds the rate at which they are removed.

An outer ear infection is another common cause (otitis externa). A common cause of this is swimming in chlorinated pools that are not well maintained or in lake water, thus the alternate term “swimmer’s ear.” Nonetheless, it can manifest itself when the ear is subjected to unclean objects, such as earphone buds.

Even though earwax helps prevent infections of the outer ear, it may sometimes be irritating to the skin. When there is an excess of earwax, it can build up and cause discomfort if it blocks the ear canal. Underproduction can cause the skin of the outer ear to dry up and crack, which in turn can cause persistent itching.

There are situations when ear irritation is the result of an anaphylactic reaction. This may be anything as basic as shampoo or a different type of ear medication. Ear canal inflammation and discomfort can also be brought on by using cotton swabs.

Ear Itching: Causes and Remedies

There are several potential causes of itching ears, therefore the treatment advised by your doctor will change based on the diagnosis. In order to promote natural healing, doctors often recommend self-care measures for patients to implement at home. You will need to exercise some self-control here:

    – To keep water from getting into inflamed regions, use a shower cover

    – Wait to go swimming until your condition improves.

     – Do not scratch or tug at your ears.

The treatment plan will change if an ear infection is found to be the root cause. In such instances, medical professionals typically recommend: Drops containing antibiotics to kill the microbes responsible for the itch, as well as drops containing corticosteroids to reduce the inflammation and pain in the area around the ear. There are circumstances where anti-fungal drops are necessary (or a combination of these medications).

When an allergy is suspected as the cause of ear itching, patients may undergo testing to identify allergens, and physicians may advise patients to refrain from using specific items or engaging in certain activities, such as swimming.

Earwax removal may be suggested to unclog the ear canal if it turns out to be the problem. Earwax removal can be achieved using a variety of methods, including irrigation, softening drops, suction, and curettes (small tools used to scrape up earwax).

Additionally, there are certain tried-and-true home treatments that might help. However, if the irritation persists, it’s best to see a doctor. The most important thing to keep in mind is that if you go to a doctor quickly enough, ear irritation is usually treatable and can even be prevented from becoming a persistent problem.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Hearing Loss May Increase the Risk of Falls and Other Mishaps

Hearing Loss May Increase the Risk of Falls and Other Mishaps


The tendency to believe that only your ears are affected by hearing loss is reasonable. Most tend to only focus on the body part being affected and their immediate symptoms. As it turns out, having trouble hearing may also increase your risk of falling and other mishaps.

Most people with hearing issues seemed to “learn to live with it” by limiting their social engagements, activities and conversations versus seeking professional help from an audiologist. When the hearing issue is only auditory, it is a lot simpler to solve. Treating hearing loss is vital when it threatens your equilibrium.

A survey taken by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found those with mild to moderate hearing loss have a 60% to 70% higher risk of being injured.

Another study by a doctor at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital investigated whether or not hearing loss contributed to the likelihood of being involved in an accident discovered that out of 6.6 million individuals who had an unintentional injury, roughly 16 percent said their hearing was not ideal.

United States residents have an ongoing growing issue of some sort of level of hearing loss.  The longer you live, the higher your risk becomes, because the incidence rate rises with age.  So you may be driving or going about without fully realizing the dangers your body is exposed to.

Knowing you have hearing issues and actually seeking professional treatment for it can be challenging.  After all, you might think that your current hearing situation is just adequate, or that getting hearing aids would not make a huge difference in your daily life. Getting the professional help needed for  hearing loss, will not only help you hear better it may also help avoid dangerous missteps.  Other benefits may include a more fulfilling social life,  making it easier to participate in conversations and not asking people to repeat themselves.

Some may feel ashamed when they realize they are a burden on their loved ones. This might mean less time spent with friends and family. Resuming your normal activities and spending time with supportive friends and family will be easier after your hearing loss has been treated.

Isolation has been linked to an increase in the prevalence of mental health problems. Consider the correlation between isolation and depression; if left untreated, the latter condition might worsen. Additionally, isolation increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, according to recent research. Therefore, by taking care of your hearing loss now, you are ensuring your future health and happiness.

Mental disorders develop as a result of the brain’s attempt to compensate for the hearing loss. This causes the other functions to feel the strain and fall off more rapidly. The deterioration of brain tissue is called atrophy. Regaining lost hearing is like doing a cognitive “reset” that has been shown to improve one’s mental abilities.

Clearly, there is more motivation to address hearing loss than just avoiding accidents. The advantages are numerous and varied.

Preserving your hearing health is the simple answer. Although the consequences of neglecting this aspect of one’s health are often underestimated, it is nonetheless crucial. Thankfully, at Southern Nevada Audiology we not only want to help treat your hearing loss we want to help you find answers to understand your hearing loss.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Illness &  Ear Infections

Illness & Ear Infections

Coughs, stuffy nose and fever are common signs of getting sick. No matter the measures taken to help prevent it, certain illnesses can be infectious and may spread quickly.  An ear can become infected when the body becomes sick due to flu or allergies or even the common cold — any type of illness that would affect the nose or throat. These body parts are connected through the sinuses and are affected by each other, like how it hurts the throat if water rushes through the nose. In cases like this, the infection will usually go away with the initial illness but can stick around for a short while after. An infected ear can often turn a bright shade of red and be warm to the touch.

It is common for ear infections to clear up on their own. During the period of infection, the affected ear will probably be uncomfortable, itchy, red, warm and have some sort of hearing problems and sensitivity. These too should clear up along with the initial cause. 

While it is a challenge to avoid an ear infection if it happens due to a common cold, it is still possible to lessen the chances of it. Hygiene plays a huge part in preventing illness. If the body and the environment around it is kept sufficiently clean then harmful bacteria, mold and viruses will have less of a chance to evolve and spread. The ear is constantly exposed to all sorts of debris and thus is at risk of being infected by it. Cleaning the outer ear is a great way to prevent anything from getting into the inner ear. Washing with warm water and soap during a shower will suffice in most cases.

The ear does have natural defenses too. Earwax does an excellent job of capturing any invasive particles and usually tends to fall out on its own. Using a cotton swab to clean the inside of the ear is not only unnecessary but can actually be dangerous and can cause problems that can lead to some form of hearing loss. Cotton swabs are best used on the outer ear but should never be inserted into the ear canal.

If the ear does become infected, it is best to tend to the infection before symptoms like pus or ringing in the ear start to occur. As stated, the ear is connected to different parts of the body through sinuses and can affect them if the infection gets worse.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Hearing Health & Summertime Activities

Hearing Health & Summertime Activities

Summertime is here again! During the summer, there is a huge boom of outdoor events like conventions, concerts and water activities. The thing that connects large conventions, summer tours and even swimming is the underlying risks these activities pose to the ear and ultimately hearing.

The ear itself has two main parts: the inner ear and the outer ear. The outer ear is what most of us are familiar with and what most people would imagine when they say the word “ear” while the inner ear is the more delicate part of the ear. Certain activities can potentially damage the ear and require extra means of protection. 

For activities like swimming or any activities where foreign substances can more easily come into contact with and enter the ear, it is best to wear some kind of ear plug to prevent the invasion of a foreign substance. Large bodies of water can carry all sorts of bacteria and debris, whether it is the family pool or the local lake, and these things pose a risk when they enter the ear. Should the inside of the ear become wet, it is best to dislodge any water by turning the head to allow gravity to work. Temperature and elevation play a role in aural health as well. If it is a cold environment, it is best to keep ears warm to avoid otosclerosis or abnormal bone growth within the ear. 

What about the inner ear? Well, the inner ear has many unique formations that can be affected by outside influence. The most vulnerable formation is actually a tiny little hair. These hairs are on the Organ of Corti and are dubbed stereocilia. The thing about stereocilia is that they do not grow back when damaged so it is very important to take care of them while they are still around. These hairs respond to vibrations and send the sounds to our brains, allowing the perception of sound. Loud areas like concerts, conventions or places with crowds of people and noises can be dangerous for the stereocilia and it is recommended to wear earplugs to help dampen the audio load from these environments. 

Infections and ringing sounds in the ear (tinnitus) are not uncommon consequences of having fun over the summer. If these issues arise, be sure to contact your trusted audiologist to aid with and oversee the healing process. Most of the time, minor afflictions can go away on their own but it is still always best to have a professional opinion on whether or not any additional care is needed for a full recovery.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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May is Better Hearing & Speech Month

May is Better Hearing & Speech Month

Every year, the month of May is used to bring awareness to a communications issue that 10% of the world’s population is affected by Hearing Loss and Speech Problems. With 5% of the population experiencing some form of hearing loss and another 5% experiencing some form of a speech problem, that means someone we know maybe dealing with these issues.  Seeing as this problem is more common than most people would think, it makes sense that there is effort to make the issues common knowledge. Recognizing hearing and speech issues is the first step to managing the symptoms to finding solutions.

Those in the medical field who specialize in hearing, balance and the ear in general are called audiologists. Audiologists have training in communication, how it can be affected by certain conditions and how patients can manage and treat these complications.

When it comes to communicating with someone experiencing hearing loss or speech problems, it is best to ask them how they prefer to communicate. Communication can include written messages or notes, sign language or simply speaking at a louder volume.  If a business is made aware of an issue, steps can be taken to ensure the best accommodations are made.  Most companies send out text messages and emails to communicate with clients or patients and call as a last resort, which allows people to manage appointments on their own time with the added bonus of written words. Written words can be reread at the reader’s own pace, which eliminates any confusion or embarrassment someone may experience by asking others to repeat themselves if they cannot hear well or misunderstand the speaker the second or even third time. 

While anxious or socially awkward people would prefer to communicate over the phone, those with speech problems would benefit from text messages and emails.  Phone conversations may not be their top preference since people with speech problems often are misunderstood. Speech problems can be characterized by uneven tempos in speech, repeating words, repeating syllables in words and difficulty pronouncing sounds correctly. A phone call can make conversations harder to understand and is not ideal for someone who is hard of hearing or has a speech impediment. 

For over 90 years, there have been efforts made to help increase awareness for better hearing and speech and how to help those who maybe experience these issues. Let us each do our part in sharing information and continue to bring awareness to those we know and love and let them know help is out there.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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