Hearing Loss & Relationships

Hearing Loss & Relationships

Many nations around the world have a day where love is celebrated with candy, dates or flowers.  Relationships, especially long lasting ones, usually start from the same place: communication.

Talking to someone is the first step to getting to know them: what do they like, what do they fear, what did they think of the latest episode of that new popular show? Communication requires work and effort from both parties but an important first step is listening.

Hearing loss, in any form, can cause strain on both established relationships and ones just beginning to blossom. Missing out on a grandchild’s first recital, not quite catching the engagement announcement from that best friend, being unable to hear the first cries of a child – hearing loss can take away too much.

Be there for those important moments by taking care of your aural health. That is, the health and maintenance of the ear.  At Southern Nevada Audiology, we help our patients understand and treat their hearing loss.  We discuss hearing solutions and explore the best technology to match your lifestyle.

Hearing aids are an option for most stages of hearing loss. Simply calibrate the device and it is ready to go! Most hearing aids are small and discreet and have a Bluetooth option to connect easily to a cellphone or any other device that offers Bluetooth connection, like tablets or gaming devices. This allows for hands free conversations at the push of a button without even having to be next to the phone. As time goes on and the use of a hearing aid device becomes second nature, the device will be in need of maintenance.  Daily maintenance is a must to avoid wear and tear and ensure the longevity and optimal peformance of devices. 

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Keep Hearing Health Golden

Keep Hearing Health Golden

The new year is filled with all sorts of lovely sights and sounds. Fireworks lighting up the sky, the pop – fizz of champagne bottles and the joyous cries of “Happy New Year!” filling the air. The sense that reigns over this moment is hearing.  Most probably do not think about it but should the sounds of the holidays and celebrations disappear, they just would not be the same. 

Hearing is used all day, every day – nonstop. Ears are subjected to all sorts of straining and stimulation from the world around them simply doing as it does. Think about how often loud noises come around from construction, traffic, movies, cellphone conversations and such. These can potentially cause pain and strain to the ear, possibly causing problems like headaches. The occasional strain often does not cause lasting damage but what if someone is regularly in loud places or around loud things.

People who work with or around loud noises like construction equipment, cars and motorcycles or even musical instruments should look into proper hearing protection. Using noise canceling headphones and earplugs is a great way to lessen the strain on the ear. Working with a medical professional to add custom earplugs to the list is recommended by doctors for those who want quality ear and hearing protection. Custom earplugs are known for having a comfortable fit.  It is also reported that custom earplugs not only protect hearing but also allow users to hear noises better than most brands of earplugs. Safety without sacrificing sound. 

It is recommended to get a hearing test performed every 10 years, until 50 years of age. For those over the age of 50, it is recommended to have hearing tests performed every 3 years. A hearing test is a quick, simple and painless test to check how well a patient can hear. Can the patient hear soft noises? Can the patient tell where noises are coming from? These questions are answered with the hearing test. The test is administered through headphones or a soundproof room. The patient will simply respond to noises in the appropriate manner as discussed prior to the test with the Audiologist. The results are usually discussed immediately after as well as any concerns or problems. Fast, easy and painless tests can help keep hearing working at its prime. 

Hearing loss is not always about the environment though. Sometimes, genetics, accidents and injuries can play a role in hearing loss. When loss of hearing is noticed, it is best to contact a trusted medical professional to discuss the next steps. Often, a person will avoid the topic for up to 7 years before someone else notices or the person experiencing hearing loss will speak up. Hearing aids, subtle and discreet as they are now, can be a great help to those experiencing hearing loss.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Cleaning Hearing Aids

Cleaning Hearing Aids

Many holidays take place during colder months with a focus on gathering with family and friends. With about 50% of families in America having at least one person experiencing hearing loss or being hard of hearing, it is important to know how to properly communicate and include any loved ones who may have a more difficult time hearing than those around them. One important factor in healthy hearing is maintaining a cleaning routine for devices used to help keep the line of communication open and flowing freely. The most common devices are phones or cellphones and hearing aids. 

Most people know how to take care of their phones. Such as keeping the phone dry, not letting them drop and not exposing them to extreme temperatures for long periods of time.  Phones are great tools for those who are hard of hearing or experiencing hearing loss. Texting requires only reading and most phones have a feature that allows the user to zoom in on text which makes text bigger and easier to read, should they need it. 

Hearing aids require a little more maintenance than a phone. Hearing aids usually are exposed to some moisture because of their position in the ear. They can be rained on, sweat on, or experience the effects of condensation and turn out fine with a simple wipe down and a proper airing out overnight.

To make sure a hearing aid device is working as best it can, be sure to have a kit prepared with everything a hearing device will need. These kits should have a magnifying glass, a microfiber cloth, a spare battery or charger, wax guard, and cleaning supplies like brushes and wax picks.

Develop a nightly routine for hearing aid maintenance.   A simple wax check and airing out should do the trick most nights. When airing out, be sure to also look at the battery compartment just in case any moisture has found its way in there. If wet, leave the compartment open to dry overnight.

Make sure to also use warm clothing to protect both ear and hearing aid. Warm clothes like ear muffs and hats not only keep ears warm but keep out cold air and absorb moisture. When cold air hits warm air, like the air in the ear and around the hearing aid, condensation can occur. This is usually why hearing aids can get wet and be at higher risk during the winter months.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Special Accommodations For Family Gatherings

Special Accommodations For Family Gatherings

Holidays are a great time for families to come together to relax, reconnect and feast. Families can differ in ages, interests, backgrounds and needs. When a family comes together, it is a joyous and wondrous occasion, but it also means that some special accommodations should be taken care of for those in need.  Studies tell us that half of all American families have at least one member who experiences hearing loss to some degree. It is suggested that those families take their loved one’s needs into consideration.

Families, big or small, usually have a range of age groups from very young to elderly. These people usually have different interests and energy levels. For example, children and teenagers can tend to be energetic and loud while the more mature members prefer peace and quiet. It would be inconsiderate to expect them to be in the same room peacefully. Be sure to make designated areas for people of different energy levels.

When it comes to hearing loss, age can sometimes be a factor, but age is not always the cause. Some people are born deaf, some people have had accidents that resulted in their hearing issues and others still have their own unique situations that may result in them being deaf. In a family, there may be children with hearing aids or teens who are hard of hearing who should be taken into consideration too. For example, during a movie, try putting on subtitles so it is easier for those experiencing hearing loss to follow along. 

These family gatherings are also an opportunity to bring awareness of a possibility of hearing loss among those present. Friends and family who live closer to said family members experiencing hearing loss may not notice subtle little signs that loss of hearing may be occurring. For family not seen in a year, it would be obvious if anyone started showing the symptoms of losing their hearing. 

Volume is a good indicator. The volume of headphones or a television being turned up to uncomfortable levels is a common sign of hearing loss. Another sign is disengagement from conversation. This happens simply because the person cannot hear the conversation as clearly as everyone else. Constant requests to repeat something is also a very common sign that people will often directly link to hearing loss, usually asking the person if they are having a hard time hearing.

When it comes to the holidays, family is most important. Whether it’s ringing in a new year or having a family reunion, family is right in the center. Be sure to look after their safety and happiness this season by helping them care for themselves. 

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Annual Hearing Test

Annual Hearing Test

The ear is an organ we use every single day.  First thing in the morning is the alarm clock or the sizzle of breakfast. It is nearly impossible to escape the sensation of sound. This is why it is so hard to tell when hearing loss is becoming an issue as the lesser sound of yesterday seamlessly becomes the lesser sound of today. Hearing is a dominant means of communication between self and the outside world. Unfortunately, most people do not realize that their hearing is fading.

Hearing loss happens a little each day. It is not sudden but the realization that a friend, acquaintance or loved one is experiencing hearing loss may come like a lightning strike, quick and unexpected. All of a sudden, things make sense. Volumes turned up way too loud, failure to participate in conversations and general ‘disregard’ for audio cues do not mean that a friend or loved one has lost interest. It may mean they are experiencing hearing loss.

So, armed with this knowledge, what now? First would be recommending a hearing test for that person to see if it truly is hearing loss and not some other ailment. When it comes to health, accurate information from professionals is much more valuable than simple hearsay. No matter how much a friend or loved one means well, always check with a medical professional before taking any action. 

A hearing test would be applied usually quickly and always painlessly. In a soundproof room, a patient would be given headphones to wear that would emit sounds and then the patient would indicate if they heard the sound and from which ear. It is recommended these quick, easy and painless tests be done every year, as would be typical for a yearly check up.

In this day and age with the advancement in technology, there is comfort in knowing there is help out there for hearing loss. Hearing aids come in many designs and are so subtle that they look like wireless earbuds. Most phones, cellular or landline, are built with the knowledge that those experiencing hearing loss will be using their products and have included features to accommodate them. Some phones will connect to hearing aids using wireless connection or have louder settings for phone calls. 

Hearing aids, like most devices, require maintenance and batteries. Maintaining these devices is integral to getting the most out of them and making sure that they do their job. Not much can be done to stop hearing loss as this condition is caused by many factors including environment or genetics but proper equipment can prevent hearing from going all together, too quickly.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Signs of Hearing Loss in a Loved One

Signs of Hearing Loss in a Loved One

When it comes to hearing loss, the news is most impactful especially delivered from a loved one. The ones closest to those experiencing hearing loss are most likely to notice it and also be in a position to prompt them to make a hearing health appointment.  For friends and family of those who may be experiencing hearing loss or may be suspected of such, here are some indicators to look out for:

The simple pleasure of a conversation may suddenly become an exhausting chore. A person experiencing hearing loss will either miss out on most of a conversation or ask for something to be repeated constantly which can make others frustrated and bothered.

Issues with technology, especially the volume, may arise. Whether it be the inability to hear someone over the phone properly or the volume on the tv getting louder is a sign that hearing loss may be the problem.

Extra effort put into conversations will make those experiencing hearing loss more fatigued and tired than normal. Some may even experience headaches from the extra effort. The extra time needed to recuperate will make them lose even more precious time with those they wish to have a conversation with.

Overall things can become difficult to hear. High pitched noises disappear in the wind and everyone seems to mumble their words all of a sudden. Not to mention the fact that the origin of a sound will be harder to decipher than before.

Alarms can lose their effectiveness as well, which can cause reminders on medication schedules, dates and appointments to be ignored.

Some people might not want to accept that they are experiencing hearing loss so if a loved one seems to be experiencing the above symptoms–take the initiative to discuss any concerns and options.  If they require extra care during the conversation, it might be best to get a check-up from an audiologist.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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The Dangers of Untreated Hearing Loss

The Dangers of Untreated Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss can be a critical factor that affects a person’s social life, mental health and physical health. Despite that, hearing loss is not often discussed in detail and is often left untreated.  The idea of not being able to hear well might seem like “not such a big deal” but to the contrary this is a serious health matter.

When it comes to one’s social life, communication is key.  Depending on a person’s lifestyle, verbal communication can be used in varying amounts. With technology’s so closely intertwined with society’s well-being, it is possible to never have to verbally communicate with a person. This is not the case for everyone. For some, technology is the last thing on their minds and the ability to use their words is much more important. While at a barbecue or going for a jog in the park with a good friend, being able to talk is much more important than looking down at a phone.

Hearing Loss itself can be caused by a number of reasons such as exposure to loud noises for extended periods of time.  For some, there could also be a genetic variable that can also be influenced by outside circumstances such as dirty environments or varying pressures.  Without the ability to hear, social life can be near impossible to maintain. This can cause stress for those experiencing hearing loss as their friends and family drift away.  Even driving can suddenly become much more dangerous as audio alert signals that are so commonly used become less effective.

Though hearing loss can lead to plenty of problems, there exists a simple tiny solution – hearing aids.  Hearing aids are the most common and effective means to combat hearing loss. 

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Getting Water Out Of Ears

Getting Water Out Of Ears

Summer is upon us once again! Time for vacations which means relaxing, bonding and water activities like swimming.

However, there are hidden concerns in getting those ears wet. Ears are both resilient and sensitive. The ear can manage itself well enough to make loud noises bearable but something as harmless as water can cause injury or infection that may lead to growths or conditions like Tinnitus.

Getting water out of an ear is easy and there are lots of ways to do it – tilting the head and wiggling the ear via earlobe, yawning or chewing movements, there are even over the counter medications available.  These are the most common and recommended methods of getting water out of the ear. Methods such as using a cotton swab are not recommended and can cause all sorts of issues – compacted earwax, scrapes that can become infected, introduction of other bacteria and fungi that can cause some serious problems.

Most conditions can be prevented and easily treated. If unpleasant or unfamiliar sensations such as itching, soreness, burning sensations, inflammation or if it feels like there is something in the ear then it may be time to get those ears examined at by a doctor. Conditions that are left unchecked can lead to vertigo or hearing loss. Sometimes, infections and fungi can spread to outside the ear and infect the skin on the face and head or inside the body.

This summer, just remember how easy it is to clean up wet, warm ears and how hard it can be to get rid of any infections or fungus that can grow and spread. Don’t let it spread, just tilt that head!

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Gardening & Hearing Health

Gardening & Hearing Health

Gardening is a hobby that can be done indoor or outdoor and worked on year round.  This hobby also has many benefits and if the garden just so happens to hold vegetables then the benefits are felt a little closer to the heart. Literally!  Healthy meals can help lower blood pressure which can put less strain on blood vessels all around the body, including around the ears.  Exercise can help too.

So, gardening is good for healthy eating and a workout but what else? How about hearing!

If there are issues with tinnitus gardening may help reduce the symptoms.  What if a gardener already has a hearing aid?  Gardening is usually much quieter than most hobbies and would allow a new hearing aid user to become accustomed to hearing to the device as they would only hear their own movements as they dig, shear and plant. Plus, gardening can be a great and enjoyable way to exercise by moving bags of soil and fertilizer, tending to plants, digging holes and pulling out rocks.

New gardeners can also find others that would love to help or discuss the maintenance of their gardens!  Talking with someone is a great way to get accustomed to a hearing aid.  Unfortunately, it takes approximately seven years for a person suffering with hearing loss to seek a solution – which is precious time lost.  Recognizing and treating hearing loss are time sensitive.

Ear protection is important when working with loud gardening tools such as lawn mowers, leaf blowers, chain saws and drills that can expose ears to higher decibel levels.  Wearing properly fitted hearing protection is recommended.  Be sure to thoroughly clean and keep up with hearing protection maintenance since they are exposed to dirt, sweat, bacteria and pollen.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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May is Better Hearing & Speech Month

May is Better Hearing & Speech Month

May is the month dedicated to celebrating better hearing and speech.  This month is all about raising awareness for speech and hearing issues in hopes to make people’s lives more productive, increasingly safer, and more enjoyable by promoting hearing loss screenings and prevention.

When it comes to communication, the first and most familiar method is through audio.  This includes speech and music.  Unfortunately, those with hearing problems can often feel excluded.  It is no one’s fault but it can hurt people nonetheless. Those who experience hearing loss are not always so eager to wear a hearing aid in fear of how others will see them.  This fear can cause people to become lonely and depressed as they isolate themselves from social interactions.  

On average, it takes seven years for a person with hearing loss to seek help.  Seven years is too long!  Everyone deserves to get the most out of every social gathering.  Hearing aids are a great way to get back to feeling comfortable around those important loved ones.  Support groups are also around to help new hearing aid users adjust to their devices.

Seeing people confidently wearing hearing aids helps remove the stigma that hearing aids have gained unjustly. Persons of all ages with hearing issues wear hearing aids to get the most out of life and doing so encourages others to confidently go forward with their own hearing aid journey.

Hearing aids are not about looking old, weak or feeble. They are about living fully and going forward with confidence.  Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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