Summer Jobs and Hearing Safety for Teens

Summer Jobs and Hearing Safety for Teens

Summer is a great time for teens to gain work experience, earn some extra money, and learn valuable life skills. However, some summer jobs come with potential risks to hearing health that teens and their parents might not be aware of. Whether it’s working at a busy restaurant, lifeguarding at a noisy pool, or mowing lawns, it’s important to take steps to protect young ears from damage. Here are some key tips to ensure hearing safety for teens during their summer jobs.

Understanding the Risks

Many common summer jobs expose teens to potentially harmful noise levels. For instance:

Landscaping and Lawn Mowing: The equipment used in these jobs, such as lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and trimmers, can produce noise levels well above the safe threshold (85 decibels).

Food Service: Working in a busy restaurant or café can mean constant exposure to loud music, kitchen noise, and a bustling environment.

Construction: Teens working in construction or related fields are often around power tools and machinery that generate high levels of noise.

Lifeguarding and Pool Maintenance: Pools can be surprisingly noisy environments, especially with the constant sound of water, whistles, and people.

Tips for Protecting Hearing

Use Hearing Protection:

Earplugs: Simple foam earplugs can reduce noise levels by up to 30 decibels and are inexpensive and easy to use.

Earmuffs: For higher noise environments, earmuffs can provide greater protection and are often more comfortable for extended wear.

Custom-Fit Protectors: For jobs with constant exposure to high noise levels, investing in custom-fit earplugs can offer superior comfort and protection.

Take Regular Breaks:

Stepping away from the noisy environment periodically allows the ears to rest and recover, reducing the risk of permanent damage.

Limit Exposure:

Encourage teens to limit their overall exposure to loud environments, both at work and during leisure time. For instance, if they work in a noisy place, they should avoid attending loud concerts or using headphones at high volumes during their off-hours.

Educate About Safe Listening Levels:

Teach teens about the importance of keeping the volume at safe levels when using earbuds or headphones. A good rule of thumb is the 60/60 rule: listening at 60% volume for no more than 60 minutes at a time.

Recognize the Signs of Hearing Damage:

Teens should be aware of signs of hearing damage, such as ringing in the ears (tinnitus), difficulty understanding speech, or a feeling of fullness in the ears. If they notice any of these symptoms, they should seek medical advice promptly.

Encourage Open Communication:

Teens should feel comfortable discussing any concerns about noise levels or hearing protection with their employers. Many workplaces are required to provide hearing protection if the noise levels exceed certain limits.

Why It Matters

Hearing damage can be gradual and irreversible, impacting not just the ability to hear but also overall quality of life. By taking proactive steps to protect their hearing, teens can avoid long-term issues and continue to enjoy all the sounds of life without difficulty.

Final Thoughts

Summer jobs are a fantastic opportunity for teens to learn and grow, but it’s important to be mindful of the potential risks to their hearing health. With the right protection and habits, teens can safeguard their hearing while gaining valuable work experience. Encourage your teen to follow these tips, and they’ll be well on their way to a safe and productive summer job experience.

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Essential Summer Tips for Hearing Aid Care

Essential Summer Tips for Hearing Aid Care

Summer is a season of fun and adventure, but it can be challenging for hearing aid users due to the sensitivity of these devices to heat and moisture. The combination of hot, humid weather and outdoor activities like beach outings and swimming increases the risk of damage. Intense heat can impact the internal components, casing, and batteries of hearing aids, while moisture can compromise their performance and longevity.

However, you can still enjoy the season by taking a few precautions to protect your hearing aids. Here are some essential tips to keep your devices safe while you soak up the sunshine and enjoy your summer activities.

Tips to Keep Your Hearing Aids Safe This Summer

Remove Your Hearing Aids for Swimming

Cooling off in a swimming pool or the ocean is refreshing, but water can damage your hearing aids. Always remove them before swimming, snorkeling, or paddling in the sea. Store your hearing aids in a safe, secure container, and keep the container out of direct sunlight to prevent heat damage.


Keep Your Hearing Aids in a Cool, Dry Place

When you remove your hearing aids, place them in a suitable case in a dry, cool location. Avoid leaving them on surfaces exposed to direct sunlight or moisture. For example, if you’re sunbathing at a resort, put your hearing aids in a container within your bag in the shade or take them back to your room.


Apply Sun Lotion Before Putting Your Hearing Aids In

Sun lotion helps protect your skin, but it can clog your hearing aids and affect their performance. Apply sunscreen before inserting your hearing aids to reduce the risk of lotion getting into the components. The same rule applies to insect repellent.


Clean and Disinfect Your Hearing Aids Frequently

Summer means more time outdoors exploring forests, lakes, parks, and beaches. After outdoor activities, it’s essential to clean and disinfect your hearing aids regularly. When you return home, wipe them down, check the parts, and use disinfectant wipes to ensure they are clean before placing them back in your ears.


Use a Dehumidifier

Frequent transitions between warm, humid outdoor environments and cool, air-conditioned spaces can cause sweating and condensation in your hearing aids. Using a dehumidifier helps remove moisture from the air, protecting your devices from damage.


Use Hearing Aid Covers

If you have behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids, consider using covers in the summer. These covers or sheaths protect the devices from dirt, sweat, dust, and moisture.


Take Your Hearing Aids Out for Adventurous Activities

Summer is ideal for adventurous activities like visiting theme parks, surfing, river rafting, or rock climbing. During such activities, it’s best to remove your hearing aids to prevent them from coming loose and falling out.

Summer is a fantastic time of year but presents specific challenges for hearing aid users. Protect your hearing aids from heat and moisture by storing them in a cool, dry place, reducing exposure to sunlight, using a dehumidifier, and keeping them clean.

By following these tips, you can enjoy all that summer has to offer without compromising the performance and longevity of your hearing aids.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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May, the Better Hearing and Speech Month

May, the Better Hearing and Speech Month

Neglecting untreated hearing loss can severely impact your overall health and well being. It’s easy to underestimate the consequences of occasionally missing sounds, thinking that simply increasing the volume on your TV might suffice. However, this is a significant misunderstanding. For the approximately 40 million Americans experiencing hearing difficulties, here are several compelling reasons why addressing your hearing loss and caring for your hearing health should not be overlooked.

The American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) is encouraging individuals with hearing loss to take action. Since 1927, ASHA has designated May as Better Hearing and Speech Month to increase awareness about speech and communication disorders. This observance also serves to showcase the contributions of ASHA members, including audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists, as well as audiology and speech-language pathology support staff. For more information, visit


Hearing Loss and Its Impact on Relationships

Ignoring hearing loss can have serious consequences for your relationships and overall well-being. It often leads to a breakdown in communication with close friends and family, resulting in feelings of social isolation and loneliness. Difficulty in following conversations can cause individuals to withdraw from social interactions and disengage from activities they once enjoyed. Those who do not address their hearing loss may experience increased unhappiness, fatigue, and potentially even a reduced lifespan.

Investing in a quality pair of hearing devices can make a significant difference. They help maintain clear communication, full participation in conversations, and continued enjoyment of social activities. Many people, like a person from California, find that using hearing aids is transformative, allowing them to reconnect with their environment and greatly improve their quality of life.


The Link Between Hearing Loss and Mental Health

Research consistently demonstrates a strong connection between hearing loss and mental health, indicating that untreated hearing loss can have significant effects on the brain. Individuals with hearing loss are much more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, and they often exhibit faster cognitive decline and brain shrinkage. A study from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine revealed that individuals with untreated hearing loss experienced cognitive decline at a rate 30-40% faster than those with normal hearing over a six-year period.

Addressing hearing loss early is crucial, as using hearing aids can help maintain cognitive functions and mental sharpness. Moreover, treating hearing loss helps reduce the risk of depression by keeping you connected with loved ones and engaged in enjoyable activities.


The Impact of Hearing Loss on Physical Well-Being

Untreated hearing loss impacts not only your emotional and mental well-being but also your physical health. The National Council on Aging reports that falls are a leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries among older Americans, and those with hearing loss are significantly more prone to experiencing falls. In fact, individuals with hearing loss are three times more likely to have a fall. This increased risk is due in part to difficulties in hearing and localizing sounds, which can compromise balance and environmental awareness, thereby heightening the risk of accidents.

Addressing hearing loss can enhance balance and reduce the likelihood of falls, thereby safeguarding your physical safety. With improved hearing, you’ll be more attuned to important cues like warning sounds, helping you remain alert and secure in your surroundings.

May, recognized as Better Hearing and Speech Month, emphasizes the importance of addressing hearing loss, which impacts an estimated 40 million Americans. Untreated hearing issues can lead to significant health challenges, including deteriorated personal relationships, mental health issues like anxiety and depression, and an increased risk of physical injuries from falls. The American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) encourages individuals to seek treatment, highlighting the transformative benefits of hearing aids in maintaining social connections, cognitive function, and overall quality of life. As we reflect on this month’s awareness efforts, let’s continue to prioritize hearing health to enhance well-being and prevent the myriad complications associated with hearing loss.

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Environmental and Hearing Health

Environmental and Hearing Health

On April 22nd each year, Earth Day serves as a global reminder to cherish and protect our planet for generations to come. In this blog post, let’s explore the intersection of environmental health and our hearing well-being. Although they may seem separate, these aspects of our lives are intricately connected. Our aim is to highlight how environmental factors such as air and noise pollution can influence our capacity to perceive and engage with the world around us. Through this exploration, we seek to nurture understanding and appreciation for both our environment and our hearing health.

Pollutants in Focus: Airborne and Audible

Various environmental factors influence human health, let’s focus on two prevalent pollutants: air pollution and noise pollution. Air pollution encompasses harmful substances like particulate matter, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide, often from vehicle emissions and industrial activities. Similarly, noise pollution stems from urbanization and industrial machinery, inundating our surroundings with high noise levels. Both can cause significant health issues, from respiratory problems to hearing loss. Understanding these factors is vital for advocating effective mitigation strategies.

The Quiet Threat: Airborne Impact on Hearing

Environmental factors can impact hearing health profoundly. Air pollution, beyond respiratory issues, can affect hearing. Airborne pollutants like particulate matter and toxic gases can infiltrate the ear, leading to inflammation and reduced auditory function. Additionally, noise pollution can cause irreversible damage to the auditory system, resulting in conditions like noise-induced hearing loss. Backed by statistics and research, we shed light on the link between environmental factors and hearing impairment, stressing the need for proactive protection.

Quieting the Noise: Tips for Minimizing Impact

Suggestions for minimizing the impact of environmental pollutants on hearing health include reducing exposure to air pollution by staying indoors during high pollution, using air purifiers, and wearing masks outdoors. Strategies for dealing with noise pollution involve ear protection, supporting quieter urban planning, limiting exposure to loud noises, and regular hearing check-ups for early intervention.

Advocating for a Healthy Future: Safeguarding Environmental and Hearing Health

Advocacy for environmental policies prioritizing hearing health is important. Supporting regulations to reduce air and noise pollution can create healthier environments. Practical suggestions for individuals include backing initiatives to reduce noise pollution, advocating for quieter transportation, and promoting clean air policies. Through collective action, we can create a world where both the environment and hearing health are cherished and safeguarded.

In conclusion, we’ve explored the connections between environmental and hearing health, highlighting the impact of pollutants like air and noise pollution. Practical strategies and advocacy can protect both, ensuring a cleaner, healthier future for generations to come. Let’s prioritize environmental and hearing health in our daily lives, advocating for a sustainable world where both are valued and protected.

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Las Vegas Spring Allergies Impact on Hearing Health

Las Vegas Spring Allergies Impact on Hearing Health

Hearing loss can have various causes, and one often overlooked factor is seasonal allergies, particularly prevalent during spring in Las Vegas. Allergic reactions triggered by local allergens like pollen from mesquite trees and desert winds stirring up dust can exacerbate existing auditory issues. For those susceptible to allergies, middle ear infections and hearing loss are more common occurrences, raising questions about their connection.

During an allergic reaction, typical symptoms such as a runny nose, burning eyes, and ear discomfort may manifest. Ear symptoms can include itching, swelling, drainage from one or both ears, balance issues, and ear pain.

Allergic reactions prompt an excess production of mucus, which can temporarily impair hearing due to poor conduction. This form of hearing loss often occurs when mucus, moisture, or earwax obstructs the middle ear. The desert’s dry, windy climate can intensify allergy severity, further emphasizing the importance of managing allergies effectively, especially for those with existing hearing issues.

The link between allergies and hearing loss varies depending on the individual and the specific allergens encountered. Symptoms like itchy eyes and nasal discharge are common, but allergies can also affect hearing. When the immune system responds to allergens by releasing histamine, it can lead to increased production of mucus in the nose and sinuses, potentially causing a type of hearing loss called transmission hearing loss.

Sinus-related allergies can pose additional challenges, causing issues such as clogged sinuses and swelling of the eustachian tube. This can result in temporary hearing loss, highlighting the importance of seeking medical advice and allergy testing to prevent further complications.

Symptoms associated with hearing loss due to allergies, such as itching in the ear and ear discharge, should not be ignored. Managing allergies effectively through antihistamines and decongestants can help alleviate ear-related symptoms, but it’s essential to seek a hearing test if allergies are suspected of affecting your ears. Being proactive and aware of these connections can help maintain optimal hearing health, especially during Las Vegas’ spring allergy season.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Love At First Sound

Love At First Sound

In any relationship, effective communication is vital for nurturing connection and understanding. However, when one partner experiences hearing loss, it can strain the relationship, leading to misunderstandings, frustration, and feelings of isolation. Despite these challenges, there is hope. Let’s explore how hearing aids can serve as powerful tools to bridge communication gaps and reignite intimacy.


Understanding Hearing Loss in Relationships

Understanding the impact of hearing loss on relationships is key to cultivating empathy and support. Statistics show that hearing loss affects nearly one in every six adults, creating everyday challenges from simple conversations to intimate moments. Untreated hearing loss can exacerbate these challenges, impacting both individuals and the relationship as a whole.


Communication Breakdown: Effects on Love Life

The breakdown of communication due to hearing loss can deeply affect a couple’s love life. Misunderstandings and frustration can gradually chip away at the emotional connection between partners. Despite these obstacles, couples often develop strategies to cope with hearing loss in their relationship, such as using visual cues or learning new communication techniques.


Love in Full Volume: How Hearing Aids Make a Difference

Hearing aids act as catalysts in restoring communication and connection within relationships. By amplifying sounds and enhancing clarity, hearing aids enable partners to fully engage and understand each other once again. Real-life testimonials highlight the significant difference these devices make in nurturing love and connection.


Practical Tips for Couples

Navigating hearing loss as a couple requires patience, understanding, and proactive communication strategies. Effective communication involves maintaining eye contact, speaking clearly, and reducing background noise. Couples can also benefit from seeking professional help and utilizing available resources for managing hearing loss.


Celebrating Love and Hearing Health

Prioritizing hearing health within relationships strengthens the bond between partners and enhances intimacy and emotional connection. Couples are encouraged to celebrate their love and their shared commitment to hearing wellness.


The transformative impact of hearing aids on relationships underscores the importance of prioritizing hearing health. Empowering couples to take proactive steps towards better communication and hearing health is essential for sustaining fulfilling partnerships. By understanding hearing loss, supporting each other through challenges, and embracing solutions such as hearing aids, couples can embark on a journey towards stronger communication and a deeper, more fulfilling love life. After all, love truly begins at the first sound, and with the right tools and support, it can continue to flourish for years to come.

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The Impact of Smoking on Your Hearing Health

The Impact of Smoking on Your Hearing Health

As the new year unfolds, it’s a time of inspiration for many to embrace resolutions and lifestyle changes aimed at better health. Quitting smoking is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. While both smoking and hearing loss present significant health challenges, there’s a notable distinction: smoking is a self-induced risk, whereas hearing loss can often occur naturally.

But how exactly does smoking relate to hearing loss?

The connection is indirect yet significant. The habit of smoking exacerbates hearing problems. Each cigarette smoked can progressively impair hearing.

We aim to provide insight into how smoking influences not only your lung health but also your hearing abilities, affecting both your personal health and the well-being of those close to you.

Smoking and Its Impact on Hearing Loss

It’s widely acknowledged that smoking is detrimental to health, a warning often prominently displayed on cigarette packs.

Research indicates that around 60% of smokers worldwide are more likely to experience hearing loss. The reason behind this is the presence of nicotine in cigarettes, a chemical that compromises our immunity and overall health. Nicotine impacts various parts of the body, including the hair, nose, lungs, ears, and neck. Given the ear’s role in hearing, it’s clear that smoking indirectly contributes to hearing loss.

Furthermore, cigarettes contain other harmful chemicals like cyanide and nitrogen. These substances are not only harmful to general health but also adversely affect our ears. The ears, being sensitive organs, are particularly susceptible to damage from these chemicals.

Effects of Smoking on Ear Health

Smoking can lead to several ear-related issues, including:

  • Tinnitus: Nicotine can cause dizziness and is linked to tinnitus (ringing in the ear). Dizziness often reflects a form of weakness, and in the case of the ears, this can manifest as tinnitus. While further research is necessary, existing evidence strongly suggests a connection between smoking and tinnitus.
  • Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Smokers have an increased sensitivity to loud noises, making them more susceptible to noise-induced hearing loss. The harmful components in cigarettes, such as nicotine and tobacco, contribute to this heightened vulnerability.
  • Ototoxic Effects: Cigarettes contain ototoxic chemicals that are harmful to the ears. Smoking introduces these dangerous substances into the bloodstream, adversely affecting hearing abilities.
  • DNA Damage: Smoking can lead to the production of free radicals that harm cellular DNA, potentially causing cancer. Chemicals like hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone from cigarettes can interfere with DNA function, leading to damaging effects on cells, including those in the lungs.
  • Auditory Nerve Interference: Nicotine and other components in cigarettes can disrupt the neurotransmitters of the auditory nerve, responsible for conveying sound information to the brain. This interference can impair the ability to correctly identify and understand sounds.
  • Middle Ear Infection (Ear Pain): Smoking can cause middle ear infections, leading to pain in the ear. This condition, also known as otitis media, arises when the eustachian tube, which connects the throat to the space behind the eardrum, gets blocked. In smokers, substances like nicotine and carbon monoxide can obstruct this tube, leading to significant ear pain. This issue is particularly common in children and can be exacerbated by exposure to smoke.

Steps to Protect Your Hearing from Smoking-Related Damage

  • Cease Smoking Promptly: To minimize further harm to your ears, quitting smoking as soon as possible is key. It’s important for people to understand that smoking can lead to hearing loss.
  • Promote Awareness: Organize and participate in community awareness programs to educate about the negative effects of smoking on hearing.
  • Avoid Nicotine-Containing Products: Since nicotine is linked to hearing loss, it’s essential to steer clear of products that contain it. This includes alternatives like bidis, gutkha, cigars, and hookahs, which also contain harmful substances like tobacco and carbon, damaging both your overall health and your ears.
  • Pay Attention to Children’s Ear Health: Ear pain is common in children and adolescents. Parents should take any signs of ear pain seriously to prevent potential damage to their children’s hearing abilities.

Encouraging News for Smokers

For those who smoke, remember it’s never too late to quit. Research shows that quitting smoking can significantly improve your hearing capabilities. While smoking has a negative impact on hearing, reversing this habit can lead to positive changes in your hearing health.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Struggling to Hear Amidst Background Noise?

Struggling to Hear Amidst Background Noise?

As the holiday season is here, you may find yourself attending numerous gatherings, parties, and events this month. In such social settings, many people often first notice hearing loss, especially in noisy environments like pubs, clubs, restaurants, cafes, and lecture halls. These venues pose significant challenges due to their large open spaces, multiple sound sources, and the prevalence of hard, flat surfaces that reflect sound waves, making it harder to hear amidst background noise. If you’re experiencing difficulty hearing amidst background noise, it could be a sign of diminished hearing ability.

Why do I experience more hearing difficulties in noisy surroundings?

When we examine the reasons behind people struggling to hear in noisy environments, it boils down to two key factors: hearing loss and auditory processing.

Hearing loss occurs when the auditory system doesn’t function properly. There are various causes for this (you can learn about them here), but essentially, it means that the sound entering the ear isn’t transmitted to the brain as a complete, high-resolution signal.

Auditory processing, on the other hand, is what happens when that sound reaches the brain. It’s the brain’s ability to differentiate speech from background noise—a highly intricate process. The brain must extract the desired speech signal from the unwanted environmental noise swiftly, considering the rapid pace of speech and the fluctuations in volume, pitch, and sound direction. The brain must instantly calculate and process these changes.

Auditory processing typically declines with age, but it can also be impaired at any age due to damage to the auditory nerve from excessive noise exposure, as well as exposure to certain chemicals and medications that can harm hearing.

At SNA we offer a comprehensive audiological assessments that encompass middle ear function evaluation, pure tone testing, and speech analysis. These evaluations are meticulously conducted within a sound-treated booth to ensure precise hearing test results. Our services extend to both pediatric and adult populations, offering complete hearing healthcare across all age groups.

Regrettably, it is possible for someone to experience both hearing loss and poor auditory processing simultaneously. In such cases, understanding speech in noisy environments can be particularly challenging.

Improving Your Hearing in Noisy Environments

When hearing loss is the primary concern, and your auditory processing is intact, hearing aids alone can provide significant benefits. These devices amplify softer speech sounds, enabling your brain to separate the desired speech from background noise effectively. When your hearing aids are precisely calibrated to your specific needs, they can make the key difference between actively participating in a conversation and merely observing the restaurant’s wall.

On the other hand, if your hearing is in good shape but you struggle with poor auditory processing, the solution might lie in an assisted listening device (ALD), with or without supplementary auditory training exercises. This combination could provide the assistance you require to enhance your hearing experience.

To gain a deeper understanding of your individual hearing situation and undergo a thorough hearing assessment, don’t hesitate to reach out to Southern Nevada Audiology. We’re here to assist you in returning to enjoyable social gatherings, even in noisy environments.

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Hassle-Free Travel with Hearing Aids

Hassle-Free Travel with Hearing Aids

No matter where you travel around the world, protecting your hearing is essential. Traveling exposes you to various auditory hazards, from the loud roar of airplane engines to the risk of ear infections. Additionally, if you wear hearing aids, managing them while on the go can be a bit challenging. In this article, we will provide valuable insights to help travelers minimize potential hearing-related risks and optimize the use of their hearing aids during their adventures.

Common Hearing Risks Associated with Traveling

Traveling is undoubtedly an enriching experience, but it should not come at the expense of your hearing health. There are numerous risks that travelers should be mindful of. First and foremost, air travel poses particular challenges. Despite advancements in aviation technology, airplanes remain notably noisy environments. Passengers may endure noise levels ranging from 80 to 100 decibels for flights lasting up to 10 hours. To put this in perspective, the National Institute for Occupational Health recommends a maximum exposure of four hours to sounds exceeding 88 decibels.

Numerous flights exceed this limit, thereby exposing travelers to the potential for enduring hearing issues. Furthermore, there are other issues to contend with, such as tinnitus due to changes in air pressure or the necessity to raise headphone volumes to counteract cabin noise.

These factors can collectively contribute to an unpleasant experience for anyone’s ears. Moreover, hearing-related risks persist even after reaching your destination, whether it be Hawaii or Miami. A refreshing swim can result in otitis externa (swimmer’s ear), caused by waterborne bacteria. Additionally, the noise generated by trains can present a hazard to your hearing, especially within subway systems where sound can be magnified. Fortunately, there are effective measures we can take to mitigate these auditory dangers. Utilizing earplugs during flights and train journeys, ensuring thorough ear drying after swimming, and using noise-canceling headphones to prevent excessive volume adjustments are strategies that enable us to enjoy our travels while protecting our hearing.

Guide to Using Your Hearing Aid During Air Travel

Individuals who rely on hearing aids should take special precautions when embarking on plane journeys. Let’s begin with the positive news: hearing aids do not fall under the standard regulations governing electronic devices like phones or laptops, allowing you to use them without any restrictions during take-off and landing. However, if your hearing aid features an FM receiver, it’s advisable to disable it during critical phases, as it can potentially interfere with airplane systems in a manner similar to mobile phone signals.

Beyond this, it is essential to keep your hearing aid in place while on board and to tune in to the safety instructions provided by the airline. Utilize any noise reduction functions that your device offers to eliminate engine noise and adjust the volume appropriately during the safety briefing. Most airlines provide informational leaflets outlining safety protocols as well, so take the time to review them thoroughly to ensure you do not miss any vital details. Following this, you can unwind and enjoy your journey. If you wish to watch a movie, you can remove your hearing aid temporarily, but remember to secure it in your cabin baggage rather than leaving it in the seat pocket. This precaution ensures that you won’t inadvertently leave it behind when your flight concludes.

Valuable Advice for Traveling with Hearing Aids

Traveling with hearing aids can present challenges, but with some thoughtful preparation and handy tips, you can make your journey much smoother.

First and foremost, make the most of the assistance provided by cabin crew and ground staff. They are trained to assist individuals with hearing loss and are more than willing to communicate directly with you, offering any necessary support or guidance. It’s also important to ensure your hearing aids are fully charged. Bring a spare battery or your charger along, and remember to charge your devices overnight. If you’re traveling to a hot climate, consider packing a dehumidifier to help remove moisture from your hearing aids. Proper storage is another essential consideration. Invest in a dedicated bag for your hearing aids and accessories, preferably one that you can wear comfortably.

In addition to these tips, consider using accessories that can enhance your travel experience. Surprisingly, few travelers bring vibrating alarms to wake them in the morning, which can be incredibly useful. Lastly, when visiting attractions such as museums or galleries, inquire about the availability of induction loop assistance. Many renowned attractions offer guides and resources for those with hearing difficulties, significantly enhancing your overall travel experience. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to make the most of your journey.

Preserve Your Hearing for a More Enjoyable Vacation Experience

Vacations are meant to be enjoyable, but they can pose challenges for individuals with hearing impairments. Losing your hearing aid, experiencing a battery drain during a lengthy flight, or developing swimmer’s ear at the start of a beach getaway can certainly be frustrating. Nonetheless, there are effective strategies to address every hearing-related issue during your holiday. By ensuring the proper use of your hearing aid, proactive planning, and taking care of your hearing while away from home, you can simplify your travel experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the joys of your trip.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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October Audiology Awareness Month

October Audiology Awareness Month

October is the month dedicated to promoting hearing health, marked by informative awareness events like Audiology Awareness and National Protect Your Ears Month. Beyond just maintaining good hearing care, it is important to recognize the pivotal role hearing health plays in our daily lives. Effective communication, appreciation of music, and safety awareness all rely on our ability to hear clearly. In this context, let’s delve into the importance of safeguarding our hearing health to lead fulfilling and enriched lives.


Audiology Awareness Month:

October is designated as Audiology Awareness Month, initiated by the American Academy of Audiology in 2008. This dedicated period aims to disseminate valuable information about conditions affecting hearing abilities and the specialized professionals who address these issues. The primary goal is to enhance public understanding of hearing-related disorders and their profound impacts on individuals.

Throughout October, Audiology Awareness Month emphasizes hearing loss and impairment. Audiologists actively educate the public, helping them identify symptoms, potential causes, and risk factors while offering guidance on managing these conditions. The ultimate objective is to foster empathy and understanding for those dealing with hearing challenges, shedding light on the realities of living with diminished hearing.


Facts About Hearing Health:

Approximately 1 billion people globally are at risk of hearing loss due to the unsafe use of portable music devices.

In the United States, nearly 37 million Americans currently live with varying degrees of hearing loss.

Audiologists offer care to individuals of all ages; half of those affected by hearing loss are under 65 and should consider seeking treatment.

Audiologists provide a wide range of treatments beyond hearing aids, including personalized care for conditions like dizziness, balance issues, or tinnitus. They also conduct hearing screenings and offer preventive measures to protect against hearing loss.

Childhood Hearing Loss:

For parents, it is vital to recognize that a child’s poor performance in school or attention-related challenges could be linked to hearing loss. Surprisingly, 60% of childhood hearing loss results from preventable causes and can be effectively treated by audiologists, highlighting their role in children’s well-being and academic success.


National Protect Your Ears Month:

In October, we observe National Protect Your Ears Month, an opportunity to educate ourselves and our loved ones about preventing noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and raising awareness about this critical issue.

Prolonged exposure to loud sounds can significantly harm your hearing, with the intensity of sound directly related to the speed of hearing damage. Everyday sounds, like emergency sirens, can reach between 110-129 dBA, and just two minutes of exposure at 110 dBA can lead to hearing damage. The good news is that noise-induced hearing loss is entirely preventable.

When you cannot reduce the volume of noise or move away from loud environments, hearing protectors become indispensable for preserving your hearing health. The key is choosing protectors that you find comfortable and will consistently use.

Types of Hearing Protection:

Two primary types of hearing protection devices are available: earplugs and protective earmuffs. Both play a role in preventing hearing damage by limiting the intensity of sound exposure while not entirely blocking out all noise. Earplugs fit snugly into the ear canal, available in disposable and reusable options, and various sizes. Parents should assist young children in inserting earplugs correctly.

Protective earmuffs are user-friendly, reusable plastic cups that cover both ears entirely, effectively reducing noise levels. They are available in sizes suitable for most individuals, including infants and children. Earmuffs are particularly easy for young children to wear correctly, making them a practical choice.

Promoting Hearing Protection:

During National Protect Your Hearing Month, join in spreading awareness about hearing protection. Ensure safe listening practices for yourself and your family by following these three simple steps:

  • Lower the volume.
  • Move away from loud noises.
  • Wear hearing protectors, such as earplugs or protective earmuffs.


Neglected hearing loss is linked to a decline in overall health, encompassing heightened cardiovascular risk, cognitive alterations, diabetes, balance issues, and depression. It can also cause socially active individuals to withdraw and experience isolation. There’s no more opportune moment than the present to prioritize the protection of your hearing.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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