Airport Noise Pollution and Its Health Impacts

Airport Noise Pollution and Its Health Impacts

Air travel has become an integral part of modern life, connecting people and places across the globe. While airports are essential hubs of transportation, they also come with an often-overlooked consequence: noise pollution. The roar of jet engines, the whir of propellers, and the general hustle and bustle around airports contribute significantly to noise pollution. Let’s explore how airports are major contributors to noise pollution, the health implications of constant exposure to this noise, and what can be done to mitigate these effects.


Understanding the Sources of Airport Noise

Airports are noisy places for several reasons. The primary sources of airport noise include:

Aircraft Engines: Aircraft engines, both jet and propeller, are powerful machines that produce a substantial amount of noise during takeoff, landing, and throughout the flight. The high-speed exhaust gases and turbulent airflow generate a constant stream of sound.

Power Units: Ground support equipment, such as generators, air conditioning units, and baggage handlers, are essential for airport operations but can be quite noisy.


The Impact of Airport Noise on Health

Constant exposure to high levels of airport-induced noise can have severe consequences for health and well-being. Here are some of the health problems associated with living near airports:

Hypertension: Studies have shown that long-term exposure to noise pollution, like that from airports, can elevate blood pressure, increasing the risk of hypertension and related cardiovascular issues.

Hearing Impairment: Excessive noise can lead to hearing loss over time. Residents living near airports may experience a gradual deterioration in their hearing abilities.

Heart Problems: Noise pollution can trigger stress responses in the body, including the release of stress hormones like cortisol. Over time, this chronic stress can contribute to heart problems, including heart disease and arrhythmias.

Sleep Disturbance: The constant drone of aircraft taking off and landing can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to sleep disturbances and associated health issues such as insomnia, fatigue, and decreased cognitive performance.

Irritation and Mental Health: Noise pollution can be a constant source of irritation and stress, impacting mental health and overall well-being. It can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and reduced quality of life.

Compromised Immune System: Prolonged exposure to noise pollution has been linked to a weakened immune system, making individuals more susceptible to various illnesses.

Birth Defects: In extreme cases, some studies suggest that constant exposure to high noise levels during pregnancy may increase the risk of birth defects in children.


Mitigating Airport Noise Pollution

Efforts to mitigate the adverse effects of airport noise pollution are essential for the health and well-being of residents living in proximity to airports. Here are some strategies that can be implemented:

Noise Barriers: The construction of noise barriers, such as walls or berms, can help block or redirect noise away from residential areas.

Flight Path Adjustments: Airport authorities can work with airlines to adjust flight paths to minimize noise over populated areas.

Quieter Aircraft: Encouraging the use of quieter and more fuel-efficient aircraft can significantly reduce noise pollution.

Strict Regulations: Implementing and enforcing noise abatement regulations and curfews can limit aircraft movements during sensitive nighttime hours.

Noise Insulation: Offering noise insulation programs for homes and buildings near airports can help reduce indoor noise levels.

Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities to understand their concerns and involving them in decision-making processes can lead to more effective noise reduction strategies.

Airports are indeed major contributors to noise pollution, and the consequences of this pollution on health should not be underestimated. The constant exposure to high noise levels can lead to a range of health problems, from hypertension to sleep disturbance and even compromised immunity. It is crucial for airport authorities, governments, and communities to work together to implement effective noise reduction measures and ensure that the benefits of air travel do not come at the expense of public health and well-being.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Prioritizing Hearing Health: An Often Overlooked Check-Up

Prioritizing Hearing Health: An Often Overlooked Check-Up

In our pursuit of maintaining good health, regular medical check-ups have become a familiar routine. We’re accustomed to yearly physicals, dental appointments, and eye tests. However, hearing health usually flies under the radar. Compared to other aspects of health, we tend to give less thought to our hearing.

This tendency can be traced back to the common belief that hearing loss is an inevitable aspect of aging, something that everyone will encounter eventually. While hearing loss is common, it’s not a certainty as you age. Some individuals maintain excellent hearing well into their later years.

Despite not intentionally neglecting it, hearing tends to be overlooked by many. This isn’t due to a deliberate oversight but rather a lack of awareness about the recommended frequency of hearing tests. Additionally, not enough healthcare professionals emphasize the significance of routine hearing checkups.

Now, the frequency of getting your hearing tested depends on your age. Newborn hearing screenings are performed, and regular check-ups during childhood are standard practice. According to the guidelines from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), healthy adults between 18 and 40, who don’t exhibit notable hearing loss, should consider having their hearing assessed every three to five years. For individuals falling into specific categories, more frequent hearing tests are recommended:

  • Individuals aged 60 and above commonly experience presbycusis, also known as age-related hearing loss. As we grow older, the cumulative harm to the hair cells in the inner ear becomes more noticeable, specifically affecting the ability to comprehend high-frequency consonant sounds. By the age of 65, one in three people encounters presbycusis. To ensure timely detection and management, it’s advisable for all adults starting from the age of 60 to undergo annual hearing tests, irrespective of whether they are exhibiting symptoms or not.


  • Individuals with regular exposure to loud noises are also at risk. Noise-induced hearing loss is nearly as prevalent as presbycusis and can affect people across all age groups. Those who frequently encounter loud environments face an increased likelihood of enduring permanent hearing damage. If you find yourself frequently exposed to noisy settings, it’s advisable to undergo an annual hearing check to monitor and address any potential issues.


  • Individuals experiencing hearing loss might find this counterintuitive, but regardless of whether you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss and utilize hearing aids, it’s of heightened significance to undergo regular hearing assessments. Even with hearing aids, as your hearing evolves, it’s important to keep your treatment current to maximize its efficacy. For these patients, an annual hearing test is recommended.

As we diligently work to safeguard our overall health, it’s necessary to cast a light on hearing health. Amid the annual routines of medical check-ups, dental care, and eye examinations, our ears deserve their share of attention. This isn’t about intentional neglect; it’s about raising awareness. By understanding the significance of regular hearing assessments, we set forth on a complete journey toward overall well-being. It’s time to include “hearing check-up” in our list of health priorities and ensure every facet of our well-being receives the consideration it deserves.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Protecting Your Ears During Water Activities: Tips for Hearing Aid Users

Protecting Your Ears During Water Activities: Tips for Hearing Aid Users

With Las Vegas’ scorching temperatures in the triple digits during the summer, engaging in water activities can provide a refreshing escape. However, it’s vital to prioritize the protection of your ears and hearing aids during such experiences. While swimming, snorkeling, or participating in water sports, it is generally recommended to take proper precautions to ensure the safety of your ears and hearing devices. In this article, we will offer valuable guidance on safeguarding your ears during water activities and address the question of whether to remove or keep your hearing aids in place.


Understand the Risks

Water activities can pose risks to your ears and hearing aids due to moisture exposure. Prolonged exposure to water can damage hearing aids, causing malfunctions or rendering them inoperable. Additionally, water can lead to ear infections and other complications if not properly addressed.


Consult Your Audiologist

Before engaging in water activities, it’s important to consult your audiologist for personalized advice. They can assess your specific hearing aid model and guide you on whether it is suitable for use in or around water. Audiologists may recommend waterproof or water-resistant hearing aids, protective covers, or alternative solutions to ensure your devices remain safe and functional.


Waterproof or Water-Resistant Hearing Aids

If you’re an avid water enthusiast, investing in waterproof or water-resistant hearing aids can be a game-changer. These devices are designed to withstand exposure to water, offering increased protection and durability. Make sure to consult your audiologist to determine the best options available that suit your lifestyle and needs.


Protective Covers

For individuals who prefer to keep their current hearing aids during water activities, protective covers can offer an extra layer of defense. These covers are usually made from waterproof or water-resistant materials and help shield the devices from moisture. They are particularly useful for activities like swimming, where direct water contact is frequent.


Consider Removing Hearing Aids

In situations where complete water submersion is involved, it is generally advisable to remove your hearing aids. Whether it’s diving, surfing, or participating in other water sports, the pressure, impact, and prolonged exposure to water can pose a risk to your hearing aids. Removing them before these activities can prevent potential damage.


Store Hearing Aids Properly

When removing your hearing aids, ensure you have a safe and dry storage solution readily available. Use a waterproof or water-resistant case or container to keep your devices protected while you enjoy your water activities. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for storage and maintenance to prolong the lifespan of your hearing aids.


Dry and Clean Your Ears

After water activities, it is essential to dry your ears thoroughly to prevent moisture-related issues. Use a soft towel or a hairdryer on the lowest heat setting, maintaining a safe distance from your ears. Additionally, keep your ears clean by gently wiping the outer part with a clean cloth. Avoid inserting cotton swabs or any objects into your ears.


Taking care of your ears and hearing aids during water activities is necessary for maintaining their functionality and preventing potential damage. By understanding the risks, consulting your audiologist, and employing protective measures such as waterproof or water-resistant hearing aids and covers, you can enjoy water activities while ensuring the longevity of your devices. Remember, when in doubt, always consult your audiologist for personalized advice tailored to your specific needs. Stay safe and enjoy your water adventures!

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Enjoying the Open Road: Tips for Convertible Rides with Hearing Aids

Enjoying the Open Road: Tips for Convertible Rides with Hearing Aids

As the weather gets warmer and warmer people are increasingly drawn to riding in convertibles with the top down. The freedom, fresh air, and picturesque views make for a delightful experience. However, for those who wear hearing aids, this joyous adventure can present unique challenges. Let’s explore some practical tips to help individuals with hearing aids make the most of their convertible rides, ensuring an enjoyable summer experience for all.

Secure your hearing aids:

With the wind in your hair, it’s crucial to ensure your hearing aids are secure before embarking on a convertible ride. Verify that they are snugly positioned and consider using any retention devices recommended by your hearing aid manufacturer, such as clips or straps. This way, you can fully immerse yourself in the ride without worrying about accidental loss.

Leverage wind blockers:

Convertibles often come equipped with wind blockers or screens that can significantly reduce wind noise. Take advantage of these features to create a more favorable auditory environment. Installing wind blockers before setting off will help minimize the impact of wind on your ability to hear, enhancing your overall experience.

Optimize hearing aid settings:

Modern hearing aids offer various programs or settings tailored to different listening environments. Check if your hearing aids have a dedicated “wind” or “outdoor” program designed to mitigate wind noise. Consult with your audiologist to ensure your hearing aids are properly adjusted, optimizing your hearing experience during convertible rides.

Harness noise reduction features:

Many hearing aids include built-in noise reduction features, which can help filter out unwanted background noise, including wind noise. Familiarize yourself with these features and experiment with the settings to find the optimal balance. By fine-tuning these controls, you can enhance your ability to hear conversations and enjoy the scenic route.

Foster clear communication:

Inform your fellow passengers about your hearing impairment and request their cooperation during the ride. Encourage them to speak clearly, facing you directly, as visual cues play a vital role in comprehension. Furthermore, kindly ask for adjustments to the car stereo volume or minimize any unnecessary background noise, creating a more conducive environment for communication.

Embrace visual cues:

When faced with challenging listening situations, capitalize on visual cues to supplement your hearing. Engage in lip-reading and actively observe body language, as these visual indicators can significantly enhance your understanding. Position yourself in a way that allows you to see the speaker’s face clearly, facilitating effective communication.

Alternative communication methods:

If communication becomes particularly difficult, explore alternative methods to ensure effective interaction during the ride. Utilize text messaging or leverage speech-to-text apps on your smartphone to bridge any communication gaps. These tools can help you stay connected, ensuring you don’t miss out on any valuable conversations.

As the summer season encourages more people to embrace convertible rides with the top down, individuals with hearing aids can also partake in this exciting experience. By implementing these practical tips, you can optimize your hearing abilities, enhance communication, and fully revel in the joys of the open road. Remember to consult with your audiologist for personalized advice and adjustments tailored to your specific hearing aids and hearing loss. So, embrace the summer breeze, feel the warmth on your skin, and embark on unforgettable convertible adventures, knowing you’re equipped to make the most of every moment.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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May is Better Hearing & Speech Month

May is Better Hearing & Speech Month

May is recognized as Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM). This month is dedicated to raise awareness about communication disorders, promote hearing health, and highlight the important work of speech-language pathologists and audiologists in helping individuals with communication challenges.

Organizations and healthcare providers come together to coordinate activities and events aimed at increasing awareness and promoting hearing and speech health. These include educational events, health fairs, free hearing screenings, and engaging social media campaigns which effectively distribute information and resources concerning speech and hearing challenges.

The main objective of these awareness-raising endeavors is to inspire people to proactively seek early intervention when faced with communication disorders. Recognizing the importance of early detection and treatment for hearing loss, speech disorders, and language delays, these initiatives strive to improve outcomes and enhance overall quality of life. By raising awareness, healthcare providers and educators seize the opportunity to emphasize the critical importance of early identification and intervention for communication impairments.

Another important aspect of BHSM is to promote hearing health and prevention of hearing loss. This can include information on hearing protection and safe listening practices, particularly for individuals who are exposed to high levels of noise at work or during recreational activities.

Better Hearing and Speech Month also emphasizes and recognizes the vital contribution of speech-language pathologists and audiologists in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of communication disorders. These highly skilled professionals play a crucial role in enabling individuals with communication challenges to reach their maximum potential in various aspects of their lives, including academics, socialization, and employment.

Speech-language pathologists are dedicated experts who specialize in the evaluation and treatment of communication disorders, such as speech and language impairments. They possess an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of speech and language development, as well as the various factors that can hinder effective communication. By conducting comprehensive assessments, speech-language pathologists are able to identify the specific areas of difficulty and formulate personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each individual.

Through therapy sessions, speech-language pathologists employ evidence-based techniques and interventions to address communication difficulties. They may focus on improving speech articulation, enhancing language comprehension and expression, developing social communication skills, and facilitating effective use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems for those who require them. By implementing targeted strategies and exercises, these professionals help individuals develop clear, intelligible speech, expand their vocabulary, enhance their grammar and syntax, and refine their overall communication abilities.

Audiologists, on the other hand, specialize in the assessment and management of hearing-related issues. They are trained to evaluate hearing loss, determine its degree and type, and provide appropriate interventions. Audiologists employ a variety of diagnostic tests to evaluate hearing function, including pure-tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and tympanometry, among others. Based on the results, they are able to diagnose the specific hearing impairment and recommend suitable interventions.

In addition to diagnosing and assessing hearing loss, audiologists play a crucial role in providing rehabilitative services to individuals with hearing impairments. They are experts in the fitting and management of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other assistive listening devices. Audiologists work closely with individuals to ensure proper device selection, fitting, and ongoing adjustment to optimize hearing abilities. They also provide consultations and guidance on effective communication strategies, hearing conservation, and auditory rehabilitation.

The work of speech-language pathologists and audiologists extends beyond the clinic or therapy room. They collaborate with other professionals, including teachers, physicians, psychologists, and occupational therapists, to create a holistic and integrated approach to supporting individuals with communication challenges. This collaborative effort ensures that individuals receive comprehensive care and support across various environments, such as schools, workplaces, and social settings.

By empowering individuals with speech and hearing issues to overcome their challenges, speech-language pathologists and audiologists help pave the way for academic success, improved social interactions, and increased employment opportunities. They enable individuals to effectively express themselves, engage in meaningful conversations, and participate fully in educational and professional endeavors. The dedication and expertise of these professionals significantly enhance the quality of life for and contribute to building more inclusive and communicative communities.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Workplace Accommodations For Employees With Hearing Loss

Workplace Accommodations For Employees With Hearing Loss

Workplace accommodations for employees who are hearing impaired are essential to ensure that they are able to perform their job duties to the best of their ability. Hearing loss can be a significant barrier to effective communication in the workplace, and accommodations can help to mitigate the challenges that employees with hearing issues may face.

There are a variety of accommodations that employers can make to support employees with hearing impairments. Some of these accommodations include:

Providing assistive listening devices: Assistive listening devices such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and amplified telephones can help them hear more clearly and effectively.

Installing soundproofing or acoustic treatments: Acoustic treatments can help to reduce background noise in the workplace, making it easier for them to focus on conversations and other important auditory information.

Implementing visual alerts: Visual alerts such as flashing lights or vibrating pagers can be used to alert them to important events, such as meetings or emergency alarms.

Providing captioning or sign language interpretation: Captioning or sign language interpretation can be provided for meetings or other important events to ensure that they are able to fully participate and understand the information being presented.

Allowing for flexible work arrangements: Flexible work arrangements, such as working from home or adjusting work schedules, can be helpful for those who may need additional time to communicate with coworkers or attend appointments related to their hearing loss.

Training supervisors and coworkers on communication strategies: Providing training on effective communication strategies can help coworkers and supervisors better understand how to communicate with employees with hearing loss, including tips on speaking clearly and facing the employee when speaking.

Overall, workplace accommodations for employees with hearing loss are important for creating an inclusive and supportive work environment. Employers should work with employees to identify their specific needs and provide accommodations that meet those needs to ensure that all employees can perform their job duties effectively.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Over-the-Counter vs Prescription Hearing Aids: Understanding the Differences

Over-the-Counter vs Prescription Hearing Aids: Understanding the Differences

Hearing aids are devices designed to help those with hearing loss to better understand speech and other sounds around them. Hearing loss can occur due to several reasons, including age, exposure to loud noise, genetics, or illness.

They work by amplifying sound and delivering it to the inner ear, where it is processed by the auditory nerve and sent to the brain. They are designed to improve the user’s ability to hear speech and other sounds, even in noisy environments. By enhancing sound quality and clarity, they can significantly improve the wearer’s quality of life, helping them stay connected to the world around them.

In the past, hearing aids could only be prescribed by audiologists who would conduct an examination of their patient’s ear and administer a hearing test. Late last year, the FDA established a category of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids for adults with mild to moderate hearing loss, to be sold directly to consumers without a need of a hearing exam or a prescription.  OTC hearing aids became available to consumers in October 2022. 

Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids

OTC hearing aids provide a standardized solution to hearing aid devices, unlike the customized alternatives that audiologists can offer. They are sold over the counter at pharmacies and various online stores.  The cost of a pair of these varies depending on their features and can range from $99 to $3,400. They are effortless to buy, easy to wear, and straightforward to use.

The objective is to increase the accessibility of them to a broader range of users. However, like most one-size-fits-all products, they can fall short of the effectiveness of their custom-made counterparts and are not typically recommended by audiologists.

Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids: Who Are They Best Suited For?

OTC hearing aids are typically suitable for individuals with mild hearing loss. However, for those with more severe hearing loss or a specific hearing condition, customized hearing devices fitted by audiologists are often a better option. Audiologist-fitted devices offer superior sound quality and clarity, along with customized additional features.

Can Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids Meet Your Hearing Needs?

While over-the-counter devices do provide hearing assistance, their quality is often slightly inferior when compared to custom-made assistive listening devices. Therefore, for a better fit and improved sound quality, it is more beneficial to choose audiologist-approved listening devices that can be accurately selected, fitted, and programmed to meet your unique set of hearing needs.

The process of fitting a hearing aid cannot rely solely on the equipment used, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution. A hearing aid that is prescribed for an individual is specifically tailored to their unique hearing test results and carefully tuned. While OTC devices can be adjusted to some extent, users miss out on the individualized prescription that would enable them to achieve their maximum hearing potential.

Additionally, OTC assistive listening devices lack the personalized sizing and individual guidance necessary for proper usage and maintenance. As a result, users may become discouraged when they do not achieve the desired outcome and may wrongly conclude that assistive listening devices are ineffective for them.

If you are uncertain about the severity of your hearing loss, it is advisable to schedule an appointment with an audiologist as soon as possible. As a general guideline, if you struggle to hear conversations or occasionally miss loud sounds, your hearing loss may be more severe, and it is crucial to undergo an audiologist evaluation and obtain properly fitted hearing aids. This will ensure that you receive a hearing aid device that is specifically designed to address your hearing problem and will provide you with the best possible outcome.

It is essential to conduct research based on factors such as price, severity of your hearing loss, and desired features to determine which option – OTC or prescription hearing aid – would be best suited for your needs.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.


Author: Southern Nevada Audiology is a family-owned audiological clinic in Las Vegas, offering hearing aids, tinnitus treatment, and hearing protection for both adults and children, with a commitment to earning business through honesty, care, and compassion.

Southern Nevada Audiology
6061 S Fort Apache Rd #130, Las Vegas, NV 89148
(702) 990-1568

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Hear The Sweet Nothings Whispered In Your Ear

Hear The Sweet Nothings Whispered In Your Ear

It takes an average of seven years from the time people become aware of hearing issues to taking a hearing test and establishing a treatment plan. Unfortunately, this 7 year gap places the burden on family and friends, which can negatively impact relationships.

Living with hearing loss makes it challenging to effortlessly stay engaged. Conversations become limited as one is straining to hear, attempting to make sense of it and looking for context clues, plus repeatedly asking for clarification takes a toll.

Marriages and romantic partnerships are often most affected. Communication is an essential aspect of expressing, revitalizing and deepening intimacy. Even seemingly trivial conversations are critical in preserving our connection and maintaining a sense of happiness in relationships. With hearing loss, conversations tend to be reduced to only the most crucial topics. This can lead to a sense of loneliness for both partners, which can also result in frustration and resentment.

Some may believe that they can endure hearing loss and just “ride out the storm.” Or may think, “My hearing isn’t that bad,” or “I’ll get hearing aids when it gets worse.”

Mild hearing loss makes it extremely challenging to listen when there is background noise. Those with mild hearing loss are more likely to experience memory issues compared to those with no hearing issues or those using hearing aids. This may be because the brain is so focused on trying to comprehend what is being said that it lacks the capacity to fully understand and retain the information, leading to poor memory recall.

Creating memories involves a complex process where information and new events are linked to previous memories and are interwoven. We remember things because of the impact they had on us at the time. Ultimately, the things we recall have in some way shaped us, whether significant or not. When the brain is occupied with trying to understand sounds it cannot hear clearly, it becomes more difficult to live in the moment and preserve memories.

Why the focus on memories? Because memories are the foundation of our relationships. The two major issues that come with mild hearing loss – social exhaustion and memory issues – ultimately affect our relationships.

When we get tired faster, we spend less time with loved ones. If we cannot hear what is going on during gatherings, we will likely be less engaged in the conversation. If we cannot recall much of what we hear, we will not be able to take the experience with us and our relationships will be affected.

Wearing hearing aids can effectively prevent these relationship problems. By enabling clear hearing and understanding of speech, hearing aids help you maintain important relationships. Spending time with friends, family, or alone with a spouse or partner can be filled with happiness and closeness, and you’ll continue to create memories for years to come.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Advancements In Hearing Aid Technology

Advancements In Hearing Aid Technology

While hearing aids have been around for decades, recent advances in technology have led to the development of improved sound quality and customization options.

One major advancement in hearing aid technology is the use of materials, such as graphene and ceramic. Graphene, a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon, is known for its exceptional strength and conductivity. In hearing aids, it can be used to improve the device’s durability and ability to transmit sound waves. Ceramic, on the other hand, is a brittle but strong material that is able to withstand high temperatures. It can be used in hearing aids to create a more stable and efficient platform for sound processing.

In addition to these materials, hearing aids are now also equipped with a range of advanced features. Many modern hearing aids are now Bluetooth-enabled, allowing them to connect to a user’s smartphone or other devices and stream audio directly to the device. This can be particularly useful for individuals who want to listen to music or make phone calls without the need for additional headphones. Some hearing aids also have artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, allowing them to adapt to a user’s environment and adjust the volume and frequency of sound accordingly.

The benefits of these new technologies are numerous. The use of graphene and ceramic can improve the overall performance of hearing aids, resulting in clearer and more accurate sound reproduction. Bluetooth connectivity and AI features can also make the devices more convenient and easier to use, as users can adjust settings and control the devices through their smartphones or other devices.

Looking to the future, it is likely that hearing aid technology will continue to evolve and incorporate even more advanced features. For example, there is potential for the integration of virtual and augmented reality into hearing aids, allowing users to experience immersive and personalized sound environments.

The latest developments in hearing aid technology continues to improve the effectiveness and accessibility of these devices. With the use of new materials and advanced features, individuals with hearing loss can enjoy better sound quality and more convenient and personalized listening experiences.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Celebrating the Holidays With Hearing Loss

Celebrating the Holidays With Hearing Loss

Although December is a wonderful month to spend time with loved ones, people who are hard of hearing may have some uneasiness due to the increased noise levels associated with visits, parties, and celebrations.

Here are some tips for those who are hard of hearing or who will be hosting family members who have hearing impairments during the holidays.

Comprehending the Hearing Loss Experience

Many people across the US have some degree of hearing loss at some point in their lives. Hearing-impaired individuals may have trouble following conversations, especially in loud settings. As a result of experiencing these symptoms, many who are hard of hearing resort to the following inefficient methods of expression:

  • Constantly asking the speaker to repeat themselves or to speak more loudly and slowly
  • Making an effort to decipher what was said by reading the speaker’s lips after a misunderstanding
  • Putting up an act as if they can hear and understand what is being said

These schemes may get in the way of being able to communicate effectively. Therefore, they may feel like they are expending too much effort whenever they attempt to carry on a conversation.

Misunderstanding or just partially catching on to what is being said are common results, which can leave participants in the conversations confused or unable to engage. As a result, there are a number of ways in which strained communication may affect relationships:

  • There is a dramatic decline in both the quality and duration of conversations
  • Conflict develops when individuals feel their needs and concerns are being dismissed.
  • Favorite pastimes lose some of their luster.
  • Subtleties like inside jokes, intimacy, and informal small conversation are stifled by language barriers.

In the spirit of the Christmas season, when families and friends get together, here are some suggestions for making everyone feel welcome and at home.

In case you are planning a holiday gathering for someone who has trouble hearing…

The position of a host is a challenging one. Taking care of a large group of people, and making sure they are all having a nice time requires a lot of effort. If you have someone with hearing loss coming over:

Find out whether any special accommodations are required.

 Inquiring about conveniences that can help ease your guests’ interactions at a dinner party never hurts.

Reduce the volume.

Those with hearing impairments may have difficulty understanding what others are saying if they are subjected to loud music while eating or having a conversation. Make an attempt to keep the noise level down. Another tip is to point the speakers out of the room so that the music does not blast directly into the areas where your guests are socializing.

Make additional private spaces for talking.

If you are hosting a big gathering at your place, create spaces where people can engage in more intimate interactions. Conversations in smaller groups may be easier for those who are hard of hearing if they take place in a less noisy setting.

Try to have more one-on-one conversations.

You are well aware of the challenges associated with maintaining conversational clarity in noisy environments with many potential speakers. Even with hearing aids, background noise might make it difficult to follow a conversation with many participants. Instead, choose a quieter spot to have private chats. If you want to have a more productive conversation, choose a place in the house where you can face a wall and reduce or eliminate any outside noise.

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