Hearing Loss May Increase the Risk of Falls and Other Mishaps

Hearing Loss May Increase the Risk of Falls and Other Mishaps


The tendency to believe that only your ears are affected by hearing loss is reasonable. Most tend to only focus on the body part being affected and their immediate symptoms. As it turns out, having trouble hearing may also increase your risk of falling and other mishaps.

Most people with hearing issues seemed to “learn to live with it” by limiting their social engagements, activities and conversations versus seeking professional help from an audiologist. When the hearing issue is only auditory, it is a lot simpler to solve. Treating hearing loss is vital when it threatens your equilibrium.

A survey taken by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found those with mild to moderate hearing loss have a 60% to 70% higher risk of being injured.

Another study by a doctor at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital investigated whether or not hearing loss contributed to the likelihood of being involved in an accident discovered that out of 6.6 million individuals who had an unintentional injury, roughly 16 percent said their hearing was not ideal.

United States residents have an ongoing growing issue of some sort of level of hearing loss.  The longer you live, the higher your risk becomes, because the incidence rate rises with age.  So you may be driving or going about without fully realizing the dangers your body is exposed to.

Knowing you have hearing issues and actually seeking professional treatment for it can be challenging.  After all, you might think that your current hearing situation is just adequate, or that getting hearing aids would not make a huge difference in your daily life. Getting the professional help needed for  hearing loss, will not only help you hear better it may also help avoid dangerous missteps.  Other benefits may include a more fulfilling social life,  making it easier to participate in conversations and not asking people to repeat themselves.

Some may feel ashamed when they realize they are a burden on their loved ones. This might mean less time spent with friends and family. Resuming your normal activities and spending time with supportive friends and family will be easier after your hearing loss has been treated.

Isolation has been linked to an increase in the prevalence of mental health problems. Consider the correlation between isolation and depression; if left untreated, the latter condition might worsen. Additionally, isolation increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, according to recent research. Therefore, by taking care of your hearing loss now, you are ensuring your future health and happiness.

Mental disorders develop as a result of the brain’s attempt to compensate for the hearing loss. This causes the other functions to feel the strain and fall off more rapidly. The deterioration of brain tissue is called atrophy. Regaining lost hearing is like doing a cognitive “reset” that has been shown to improve one’s mental abilities.

Clearly, there is more motivation to address hearing loss than just avoiding accidents. The advantages are numerous and varied.

Preserving your hearing health is the simple answer. Although the consequences of neglecting this aspect of one’s health are often underestimated, it is nonetheless crucial. Thankfully, at Southern Nevada Audiology we not only want to help treat your hearing loss we want to help you find answers to understand your hearing loss.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Illness &  Ear Infections

Illness & Ear Infections

Coughs, stuffy nose and fever are common signs of getting sick. No matter the measures taken to help prevent it, certain illnesses can be infectious and may spread quickly.  An ear can become infected when the body becomes sick due to flu or allergies or even the common cold — any type of illness that would affect the nose or throat. These body parts are connected through the sinuses and are affected by each other, like how it hurts the throat if water rushes through the nose. In cases like this, the infection will usually go away with the initial illness but can stick around for a short while after. An infected ear can often turn a bright shade of red and be warm to the touch.

It is common for ear infections to clear up on their own. During the period of infection, the affected ear will probably be uncomfortable, itchy, red, warm and have some sort of hearing problems and sensitivity. These too should clear up along with the initial cause. 

While it is a challenge to avoid an ear infection if it happens due to a common cold, it is still possible to lessen the chances of it. Hygiene plays a huge part in preventing illness. If the body and the environment around it is kept sufficiently clean then harmful bacteria, mold and viruses will have less of a chance to evolve and spread. The ear is constantly exposed to all sorts of debris and thus is at risk of being infected by it. Cleaning the outer ear is a great way to prevent anything from getting into the inner ear. Washing with warm water and soap during a shower will suffice in most cases.

The ear does have natural defenses too. Earwax does an excellent job of capturing any invasive particles and usually tends to fall out on its own. Using a cotton swab to clean the inside of the ear is not only unnecessary but can actually be dangerous and can cause problems that can lead to some form of hearing loss. Cotton swabs are best used on the outer ear but should never be inserted into the ear canal.

If the ear does become infected, it is best to tend to the infection before symptoms like pus or ringing in the ear start to occur. As stated, the ear is connected to different parts of the body through sinuses and can affect them if the infection gets worse.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Hearing Health & Summertime Activities

Hearing Health & Summertime Activities

Summertime is here again! During the summer, there is a huge boom of outdoor events like conventions, concerts and water activities. The thing that connects large conventions, summer tours and even swimming is the underlying risks these activities pose to the ear and ultimately hearing.

The ear itself has two main parts: the inner ear and the outer ear. The outer ear is what most of us are familiar with and what most people would imagine when they say the word “ear” while the inner ear is the more delicate part of the ear. Certain activities can potentially damage the ear and require extra means of protection. 

For activities like swimming or any activities where foreign substances can more easily come into contact with and enter the ear, it is best to wear some kind of ear plug to prevent the invasion of a foreign substance. Large bodies of water can carry all sorts of bacteria and debris, whether it is the family pool or the local lake, and these things pose a risk when they enter the ear. Should the inside of the ear become wet, it is best to dislodge any water by turning the head to allow gravity to work. Temperature and elevation play a role in aural health as well. If it is a cold environment, it is best to keep ears warm to avoid otosclerosis or abnormal bone growth within the ear. 

What about the inner ear? Well, the inner ear has many unique formations that can be affected by outside influence. The most vulnerable formation is actually a tiny little hair. These hairs are on the Organ of Corti and are dubbed stereocilia. The thing about stereocilia is that they do not grow back when damaged so it is very important to take care of them while they are still around. These hairs respond to vibrations and send the sounds to our brains, allowing the perception of sound. Loud areas like concerts, conventions or places with crowds of people and noises can be dangerous for the stereocilia and it is recommended to wear earplugs to help dampen the audio load from these environments. 

Infections and ringing sounds in the ear (tinnitus) are not uncommon consequences of having fun over the summer. If these issues arise, be sure to contact your trusted audiologist to aid with and oversee the healing process. Most of the time, minor afflictions can go away on their own but it is still always best to have a professional opinion on whether or not any additional care is needed for a full recovery.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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May is Better Hearing & Speech Month

May is Better Hearing & Speech Month

Every year, the month of May is used to bring awareness to a communications issue that 10% of the world’s population is affected by Hearing Loss and Speech Problems. With 5% of the population experiencing some form of hearing loss and another 5% experiencing some form of a speech problem, that means someone we know maybe dealing with these issues.  Seeing as this problem is more common than most people would think, it makes sense that there is effort to make the issues common knowledge. Recognizing hearing and speech issues is the first step to managing the symptoms to finding solutions.

Those in the medical field who specialize in hearing, balance and the ear in general are called audiologists. Audiologists have training in communication, how it can be affected by certain conditions and how patients can manage and treat these complications.

When it comes to communicating with someone experiencing hearing loss or speech problems, it is best to ask them how they prefer to communicate. Communication can include written messages or notes, sign language or simply speaking at a louder volume.  If a business is made aware of an issue, steps can be taken to ensure the best accommodations are made.  Most companies send out text messages and emails to communicate with clients or patients and call as a last resort, which allows people to manage appointments on their own time with the added bonus of written words. Written words can be reread at the reader’s own pace, which eliminates any confusion or embarrassment someone may experience by asking others to repeat themselves if they cannot hear well or misunderstand the speaker the second or even third time. 

While anxious or socially awkward people would prefer to communicate over the phone, those with speech problems would benefit from text messages and emails.  Phone conversations may not be their top preference since people with speech problems often are misunderstood. Speech problems can be characterized by uneven tempos in speech, repeating words, repeating syllables in words and difficulty pronouncing sounds correctly. A phone call can make conversations harder to understand and is not ideal for someone who is hard of hearing or has a speech impediment. 

For over 90 years, there have been efforts made to help increase awareness for better hearing and speech and how to help those who maybe experience these issues. Let us each do our part in sharing information and continue to bring awareness to those we know and love and let them know help is out there.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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About That Ear Wax

About That Ear Wax

The body has many unique ways of defending itself from countless foreign bodies such as dust, pollen, bacteria, bugs and many, many other potential invaders. One such way the body does this is by producing things like mucus and earwax. Both of these icky, sticky substances, amazingly, are the foundation to a healthy body. It should also be noted that while cleaning the areas these substances are produced in is recommended sparingly, it is possible to cause injury if done improperly. Today, however, we will only be talking about the ear.

The ear is an interesting and complex organ with a couple of very important tasks. First thing that comes to mind for most people is hearing. The word ear brings up a specific image but that is only what we see on the surface. The part of the ear that we are familiar with is referred to as the ‘outer ear’. This part of the ear is resilient and also the entryway into the rest of the ear’s internal anatomy. It is also the main exit way for earwax.

Another familiar part of the ear would be the ear canal. This is where most earwax is found and often scraped from. This is also where the sensitivity begins. While trauma to the outer ear can affect hearing, most of it can be temporary if given treatment and time. However, damage or neglect to the inner ear is much more dangerous and much more likely to cause lasting problems. 

Improper cleaning of the inner ear can lead to compacting the earwax within the ear or against the eardrum. This can cause irritation or itchiness and even some hearing loss in mild situations. If not taken care of, these symptoms can evolve into something more bothersome or even detrimental to general health. Ear infections can indeed occur from a build up of compacted wax, sometimes referred to as ‘hard wax’. Tinnitus, a condition where sufferers report ringing or hissing noises, can also occur. The most terrifying condition that can occur from impacted wax or a damaged inner ear is called vertigo. 

Vertigo is when the ear’s second special function is disturbed, the ear’s ability to keep someone balanced. The ear is one of the most important organs for balance and some conditions can cause a disruption in balance. People who suffer this will probably notice an increase in clumsiness. 

Doctors will usually check the ear during regular check ups by shining a light into the ear canal or administering a hearing test but do not wait until then if something feels strange. Symptoms such as not hearing clearly or being able to balance, or if there is a persistent ringing sound, contact a trusted medical professional to help. Most ear problems can be taken care of with a simple visit to the doctor’s office and medicine or a new routine introduced and recommended. 

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.


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Traveling With Hearing Aids

Traveling With Hearing Aids

Preparing for a vacation can be exciting and exhausting.  Vacations are fun, they take people to new places with new experiences, people, food and for some, a renewed mind.  Over 60% of brave vacationers say they feel more relaxed after a vacation which means they are more than likely to do it again. However, prior to a vacation it can be a stressful time as people worry about car rentals, hotels, packing and remembering to bring all the necessary things such as a hearing aid.

Hearing aids are interesting little gadgets.  They help those who are hard of hearing to connect more with the world around them but they also connect with the world in their own way.  Since hearing aids tend to amplify sounds no matter what the sound, some noisy modes of transportation can be bothersome to the user.  Subways can amplify sounds to the point where most people will wear some sort of ear protection or buffer against it.  It is highly recommended that hearing aid users make proper adjustments or take proper steps to protect their ears.  Headphones that go over the ears are a common item used to dampen the sounds of loud noises.

Airplanes can also cause strain on the ear as they tend to be, on average, 10 decibels over what is considered a comfortable range.  Over ear headphones are a great tool in these types of environments as well but do not sell the flight attendants short.  Flight attendants are trained for all sorts of situations including ones where they find themselves in the service of a guest who is hard of hearing.  They will happily assist with any needs they are made aware of in a professional, polite and effective manner.

After reaching the coveted vacation spot, there is still the environment to consider.  The most popular vacation spot is the beach which means that hearing aids will be exposed to plenty of water and sand.  While regular nightly maintenance should still be performed, be sure to bring up the new and unusual environments the hearing aid might be exposed to with an audiologist so they can provide guidelines on how best to keep that hearing aid clean and functioning properly.

During the day, ears can still be exposed to all sorts of hazards.  For sunny climates, sunburn is a possibility and a small amount of sunscreen on the ears is best.  For colder climates, earmuffs are recommended to keep ears warm and prevent exostosis which is when bones grow inside the inner ear.  Whether it be skiing or surfing, be sure to take the extra time to learn the facts and reduce vacation time stress by keeping those ears clean, safe and healthy.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Hearing Loss & Relationships

Hearing Loss & Relationships

Many nations around the world have a day where love is celebrated with candy, dates or flowers.  Relationships, especially long lasting ones, usually start from the same place: communication.

Talking to someone is the first step to getting to know them: what do they like, what do they fear, what did they think of the latest episode of that new popular show? Communication requires work and effort from both parties but an important first step is listening.

Hearing loss, in any form, can cause strain on both established relationships and ones just beginning to blossom. Missing out on a grandchild’s first recital, not quite catching the engagement announcement from that best friend, being unable to hear the first cries of a child – hearing loss can take away too much.

Be there for those important moments by taking care of your aural health. That is, the health and maintenance of the ear.  At Southern Nevada Audiology, we help our patients understand and treat their hearing loss.  We discuss hearing solutions and explore the best technology to match your lifestyle.

Hearing aids are an option for most stages of hearing loss. Simply calibrate the device and it is ready to go! Most hearing aids are small and discreet and have a Bluetooth option to connect easily to a cellphone or any other device that offers Bluetooth connection, like tablets or gaming devices. This allows for hands free conversations at the push of a button without even having to be next to the phone. As time goes on and the use of a hearing aid device becomes second nature, the device will be in need of maintenance.  Daily maintenance is a must to avoid wear and tear and ensure the longevity and optimal peformance of devices. 

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Keep Hearing Health Golden

Keep Hearing Health Golden

The new year is filled with all sorts of lovely sights and sounds. Fireworks lighting up the sky, the pop – fizz of champagne bottles and the joyous cries of “Happy New Year!” filling the air. The sense that reigns over this moment is hearing.  Most probably do not think about it but should the sounds of the holidays and celebrations disappear, they just would not be the same. 

Hearing is used all day, every day – nonstop. Ears are subjected to all sorts of straining and stimulation from the world around them simply doing as it does. Think about how often loud noises come around from construction, traffic, movies, cellphone conversations and such. These can potentially cause pain and strain to the ear, possibly causing problems like headaches. The occasional strain often does not cause lasting damage but what if someone is regularly in loud places or around loud things.

People who work with or around loud noises like construction equipment, cars and motorcycles or even musical instruments should look into proper hearing protection. Using noise canceling headphones and earplugs is a great way to lessen the strain on the ear. Working with a medical professional to add custom earplugs to the list is recommended by doctors for those who want quality ear and hearing protection. Custom earplugs are known for having a comfortable fit.  It is also reported that custom earplugs not only protect hearing but also allow users to hear noises better than most brands of earplugs. Safety without sacrificing sound. 

It is recommended to get a hearing test performed every 10 years, until 50 years of age. For those over the age of 50, it is recommended to have hearing tests performed every 3 years. A hearing test is a quick, simple and painless test to check how well a patient can hear. Can the patient hear soft noises? Can the patient tell where noises are coming from? These questions are answered with the hearing test. The test is administered through headphones or a soundproof room. The patient will simply respond to noises in the appropriate manner as discussed prior to the test with the Audiologist. The results are usually discussed immediately after as well as any concerns or problems. Fast, easy and painless tests can help keep hearing working at its prime. 

Hearing loss is not always about the environment though. Sometimes, genetics, accidents and injuries can play a role in hearing loss. When loss of hearing is noticed, it is best to contact a trusted medical professional to discuss the next steps. Often, a person will avoid the topic for up to 7 years before someone else notices or the person experiencing hearing loss will speak up. Hearing aids, subtle and discreet as they are now, can be a great help to those experiencing hearing loss.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Cleaning Hearing Aids

Cleaning Hearing Aids

Many holidays take place during colder months with a focus on gathering with family and friends. With about 50% of families in America having at least one person experiencing hearing loss or being hard of hearing, it is important to know how to properly communicate and include any loved ones who may have a more difficult time hearing than those around them. One important factor in healthy hearing is maintaining a cleaning routine for devices used to help keep the line of communication open and flowing freely. The most common devices are phones or cellphones and hearing aids. 

Most people know how to take care of their phones. Such as keeping the phone dry, not letting them drop and not exposing them to extreme temperatures for long periods of time.  Phones are great tools for those who are hard of hearing or experiencing hearing loss. Texting requires only reading and most phones have a feature that allows the user to zoom in on text which makes text bigger and easier to read, should they need it. 

Hearing aids require a little more maintenance than a phone. Hearing aids usually are exposed to some moisture because of their position in the ear. They can be rained on, sweat on, or experience the effects of condensation and turn out fine with a simple wipe down and a proper airing out overnight.

To make sure a hearing aid device is working as best it can, be sure to have a kit prepared with everything a hearing device will need. These kits should have a magnifying glass, a microfiber cloth, a spare battery or charger, wax guard, and cleaning supplies like brushes and wax picks.

Develop a nightly routine for hearing aid maintenance.   A simple wax check and airing out should do the trick most nights. When airing out, be sure to also look at the battery compartment just in case any moisture has found its way in there. If wet, leave the compartment open to dry overnight.

Make sure to also use warm clothing to protect both ear and hearing aid. Warm clothes like ear muffs and hats not only keep ears warm but keep out cold air and absorb moisture. When cold air hits warm air, like the air in the ear and around the hearing aid, condensation can occur. This is usually why hearing aids can get wet and be at higher risk during the winter months.

Please schedule your hearing assessment checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology in Las Vegas today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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Special Accommodations For Family Gatherings

Special Accommodations For Family Gatherings

Holidays are a great time for families to come together to relax, reconnect and feast. Families can differ in ages, interests, backgrounds and needs. When a family comes together, it is a joyous and wondrous occasion, but it also means that some special accommodations should be taken care of for those in need.  Studies tell us that half of all American families have at least one member who experiences hearing loss to some degree. It is suggested that those families take their loved one’s needs into consideration.

Families, big or small, usually have a range of age groups from very young to elderly. These people usually have different interests and energy levels. For example, children and teenagers can tend to be energetic and loud while the more mature members prefer peace and quiet. It would be inconsiderate to expect them to be in the same room peacefully. Be sure to make designated areas for people of different energy levels.

When it comes to hearing loss, age can sometimes be a factor, but age is not always the cause. Some people are born deaf, some people have had accidents that resulted in their hearing issues and others still have their own unique situations that may result in them being deaf. In a family, there may be children with hearing aids or teens who are hard of hearing who should be taken into consideration too. For example, during a movie, try putting on subtitles so it is easier for those experiencing hearing loss to follow along. 

These family gatherings are also an opportunity to bring awareness of a possibility of hearing loss among those present. Friends and family who live closer to said family members experiencing hearing loss may not notice subtle little signs that loss of hearing may be occurring. For family not seen in a year, it would be obvious if anyone started showing the symptoms of losing their hearing. 

Volume is a good indicator. The volume of headphones or a television being turned up to uncomfortable levels is a common sign of hearing loss. Another sign is disengagement from conversation. This happens simply because the person cannot hear the conversation as clearly as everyone else. Constant requests to repeat something is also a very common sign that people will often directly link to hearing loss, usually asking the person if they are having a hard time hearing.

When it comes to the holidays, family is most important. Whether it’s ringing in a new year or having a family reunion, family is right in the center. Be sure to look after their safety and happiness this season by helping them care for themselves. 

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup with Southern Nevada Audiology today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

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