Listen Up - Hearing Health

Listen Up - Hearing Health

Ears are resilient yet delicate organs that can recover from common problems like tenderness or ‘ringing’ in the ears on their own. Some common problems surprisingly have easy solutions. The ‘popping’ in ears when driving around mountains or scuba diving can be combated by slowing your ascent or descent which allows your ears to naturally adjust to the change in pressure. Headphones that produce white noise or cancel sound all together can help after exposure to lots of noise like at a concert or around construction.  Ears and sinuses are connected, clearing your sinuses may help restore hearing related issues.

However, if problems persists, it might be time to start asking different questions.

Age, medication and genetics are things to consider. Do you have relatives who experience hearing loss? How old were they when it started? What medications do you take? Medication for high blood pressure, kidney issues or diabetes can sometimes have an affect on your hearing. If you take any of these medications and experience hearing loss, it would be best to talk to your doctor about it.

What about the inside of your ear?

Sometimes, the problem can exist within the ear itself in the form of abnormal bone growth or impacted earwax and would definitely require a visit to the doctor to safely assess. Trying to solve it without the aid of a qualified professional can result in damaged hearing or even loss of equilibrium and balance.

Our ears are how we connect to the world around us and losing that connection can be scary. Take charge of your hearing health and learn the facts.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

Phone: 702.990.1568 •

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TV Volume & Hearing Aids

TV Volume & Hearing Aids

Stay at home order has families spending extra time together.  While great memories are being created those with hearing aid issues can have a different experience.  The volume on the TV or a mobile device might be an indication of a hearing issue or a hearing aid on the fritz. 

If you find a loved one does not seem to be paying attention, is having trouble communicating or raises the volume way too loud then they might have a hearing problem. Try turning on closed captions for them so they will not be tempted to raise the volume. When talking to them, make sure you are in their line of sight and your lips are visible so they can read your lips which will help them to better understand you. 

If you or a loved one already have a hearing aid but find your hearing aid simply is not helping, then it may be time to have it checked out. Just like any technical device, a hearing aid is an invaluable tool and should be treated as such with regular cleaning, maintenance and proper handling.

Experiencing problems with your hearing or hearing aids?  Give Southern Nevada Audiology a call!

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Hearing Loss During Stay At Home Order

Hearing Loss During Stay At Home Order

Staying physically active and socially engaged may be more challenging at this time but not impossible! Here are a few tips to stay active physically, socially and mentally during the Stay at Home Order.

The most fundamental tip would be to create a new routine, one that takes into consideration all the things you need throughout the day such as keeping in touch with family and friends, staying physically active and learning new things. Although you may have a lot on your plate, make sure you always make time to enjoy a meal, clean up and relax.

One of the best ways to wind down after exercising or engaging in a favorite hobby is to call someone. This is easy to do while maintaining social distancing.  Face timing over the phone or computer, is a better choice, if you rely on facial cues and lip reading to help you hold a conversation. If they are busy, send them an email or a text and it will be the same as sending a letter without the pesky trip to the post office.

One of the most important things you could do during this time is to create an emergency plan. Keeping your pantry stocked of supplies such as food, water, soap, paper towels and even batteries for your hearing aid is a great way to plan ahead.

Doing your best to help slow the spread of COVID-19 will not be easy but if we all do our part, we will get it done! Enjoy your new routine and party responsibly with your friends and family, at a distance. Should you experience any problems with your hearing aids, you are welcome to give Southern Nevada Audiology a call!

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How Hearing Aids Can Relieve Symptoms of Tinnitus

How Hearing Aids Can Relieve Symptoms of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a condition in which a person perceives sound that is not actually present in the environment. It is often described as “ringing in the ears” but can include virtually any type of sound including whooshing, hissing, or whistling. Tinnitus is a common health issue that impacts between 10 – 30% of people.  According to the American Tinnitus Association, about 80% of tinnitus patients report relief by utilizing hearing aids. Sound therapy also helps, which is sometimes built into devices or via an app, and adjust sounds corresponding to personal preference. As a result, people experience a reduction in the harshness of tinnitus.

Hearing aids can help reduce the experience of tinnitus by subtly magnifying background sound to help reduce the perception of tinnitus. This means the brain can concentrate on the preferred sounds to hear instead of the sound of tinnitus.

Hearing aids can additionally help keep tinnitus from obstructing with the ability to partake in conversations and other social situations by gently amplifying sounds that are aimed right at the ear. This will help focus on the clarity of speech, the television, or anything else there is a struggle to hear, instead of tinnitus. If these desired sounds are rendered to be slightly louder than tinnitus symptoms, then it will no longer disrupt the capability to enjoy desired sounds.

In an article by scientists Heller and Bergman, they revealed that 94% of people with regular hearing experienced tinnitus when in a quiet atmosphere. With these quiet conditions, the brain can pick up on active soft-level sounds that we do not register in a loud world. Therefore, if hearing loss is not being appropriately amplified, the experience we have in more quiet environments can make tinnitus more noticeable.

Many of today’s hearing aids contain a technical element intended to precisely work with a person’s tinnitus. They emit white noise or synthetic sounds directly into the ear to deliver a sound designed to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio of the vexing tinnitus sound. This form of tinnitus treatment helps reorient the brain to “turn down” the volume of tinnitus symptoms throughout daily living. Hearing aids that link to cellphones can also play sounds to promote a sound-enhanced environment through specialized smartphone apps. Make an appointment with Southern Nevada Audiology to discuss options for further assistance and help with treating tinnitus.

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The Importance Of Utilizing Hearing Aids

The Importance Of Utilizing Hearing Aids

When hearing aids are medically advised to be worn, it is not just to help people hear better. It also helps maintain what hearing capacities remain. Neglecting instruction to wear aids is likely to result in further hearing loss. It is important to wear them, as it helps to maintain strong and healthy social connections, making conversations easy to follow.

Hearing loss does not have to be the course plotted to sail. The stress that comes with consistently misunderstanding discussions can altogether be avoided. These devices not only aid in hearing, but safety as well.

According to Ivy League research[1], the incidence of Alzheimer’s, Dementia and cognitive decline is all mitigated by adopting the habit of wearing hearing aids. Serious implications may be avoided for those who seek out proper care.

With the help of hearing aids, lives become enriched. Deeper social and professional connections can result from the clarity of sound.

To get the most out of hearing aids, everyday use is a must. With consistency, an audiologist is better able to fine-tune and calibrate hearing aids. These adjustments are made to the patient’s personal needs and preferences.

Proper maintenance is also mandatory, for long-lasting effectiveness. Ask Southern Nevada Audiology for tips on proper use and keeping the device clean.

[1]Lin FR, Yaffe K, Xia J, et al. Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(4):293–299. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.1868

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Limit Exposure To Loud Noises

Limit Exposure To Loud Noises

We are born with around 16,000 hair cells in the ear.  These hair cells are what the brain uses to detect sound.  Hair cells do not regenerate, and by the time someone notices hearing loss, many hair cells have already vanished.

After attending loud events, one may temporarily lose the ability to hear things like whispers or leaves rustling in the wind.  Everything may sound muffled, and may be accompanied with a constant ringing of the ears.  It may take a few days for normal hearing capabilities to return.  Similar to a grassy field on a windy day, hair cells will bend on a noisy day.  Hair cells that have not been damaged will straighten again, if given time to recover.

If a vast amount of hair cells were damaged from loud noise, some of them will not recover, and die off.  Special consideration should be given to loud noise exposure, as repetitive occurrences are bound to destroy swaths of hair cells.  This results in a gradual reduction of our ability to understand speech in loud environments.  If changes are not made and overexposure continues, it will become hard to understand speech in any setting.  Our auditory capabilities greatly depend on the cumulative level of noise we have encountered throughout life.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

Phone: 702.990.1568 •

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Traveling This Holiday Season?

Traveling This Holiday Season?

Many airports, train stations, places of worship, theaters, auditoriums and more now feature hearing aid accessibility enhancements. Known as an induction loop system, a signal emits directly to hearing aids and cochlear implants. Even amidst heavy background noise, you will be able to hear with greater ease.

Anyone with hearing aids can connect to this service by switching them to the “T” or “telecoil” setting. Just look for the hearing loop sign, it is a blue symbol with an ear and a “T” to let you know if that establishment has it available.  If you are traveling outside the U.S. the sign may be a different color. 

If you are unsure of whether your hearing aids have telecoils schedule an appointment with Southern Nevada Audiology!

Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

Phone: 702.990.1568 •

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Tips For Enjoying The Precious Moments

Tips For Enjoying The Precious Moments

With the holidays fast approaching you may engage in more frequent social gatherings.  Whether you suffer from hearing loss or have a family member who does, here are some tips for improving your precious time together.

Get their attention first

Say their name or gently touch them first before you start speaking – this gives them a chance to give you their full and complete attention.

Get closer and face them

In crowded situations, getting closer will help communication and overcome background noise.  Also, facing the person will help add non-verbal ques to reinforce your talking points.

Do not use one-word answers

One word responses are more difficult to hear.  Words such as “yes” and “no” can sound similar to someone with hearing issues.   This happens more often with background noises and if the listener cannot see the person’s face. 

Speak clearly not loudly

To help the person with hearing issues it would be more effective to speak clearer and enunciate each syllable versus just speaking louder.

Avoid repeating, rephrase instead

If someone with a hearing issue, ask you to repeat your conversation then you should rephrase your sentence instead of saying the exact same thing.

This Holiday enjoy each precious moment!  Hear well.  Stay social.  Enjoy life.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup today!  Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

Phone: 702.990.1568 

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Hear Each Moment Fully

Hear Each Moment Fully

We tend to take for granted the ability to hear until it begins to fade away.  Our ears contribute to many of life’s precious memories.  To live fully means to hear each moment, especially with the ones we love.  Hearing difficulties can cause miscommunication, disengagement from social activities, and ultimately lead to anger and depression.

So if you or a loved one are experiencing hearing issues then give modern hearing aids a try.

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

Phone: 702.990.1568 •

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Ears Need Rest

Ears Need Rest

We are constantly surrounded by sounds and noises from electronics to traffic.  It can be easy to forget that our ears work 24 hours a day and need an occasional break.  Dedicating quiet time for 10 minutes, 3 times a day can help our ears and brain rejuvenate. 

A good ear rest can help you to concentrate and recall information.  It can also help reduce fatigue and stress. 

You will be amazed how restorative a 10-minute ear break can be!  How do you plan to rest your ears?

Please schedule your hearing assessment / checkup today! Learn more about the advancements in modern hearing aids.

Phone: 702.990.1568

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